my clutch pedal sticks....any help?



New Member
Jan 2, 2009
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I have a 73 duster that is strictly for the dragstrip. 530 hp, 4sp, 7 passes on new motor. I have been running into a problem when trying to get out of the hole. At high rpms, clutch pedal wont spring back. Do i remove the overcenter spring? or what else?
hey pntastar69, its a cf. why does the overcenter spring need to be removed? how does it cause it to stick like that? whats the best way to go about taking it off? thanks u so much for your help.
CF recommends removing the O-spring as indicated in their install instructions. You can cut the spring or some install washers between the spring until they can slid it off.
I was having same issues with my clutch pedal,so I added a spring to my pedal to bring it all the way back up.I think in the spring I,ll be taking the overspring off.It looks easy the way this guy did it.By the way welcome to the site Scott73 from a Scott with a 73 Dart Sport 340 Street/strip 4 speed.Where,s pics. of your car?Check out 1973 Dart Sport on you-tube.12.84 at 108mph stroked 340 to a 372..452hp.
did you check the clutch fluid? i know it sounds stupid but sometimes its the little things like that, that dont get thought of.:supz:
What CF clutch kit are you using? I am running a CF 2 set-up, no problems, directions said to leave the spring in.