My Father



Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
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My father passed away June 11th from brain cancer, his birthday was 2 days ago and I have been finding it hard. I miss him so dearly. I wanted to tell the world about my father and what better place then the internet. This is what I read at his funeral and wanted to share it with you all, about my father. If you still have your parents, or anyone that your close to in your life I beg you spend some time with them. You never know when the end is today, my father went from healthy to gone from this world in 2 months.

Jesus! That's what my father wanted to continue telling people about. It was his dream to go on more mission trips to tell people about Jesus. For reasons unknown to us God had written the final page in my father's life and his earthly dreams wouldn't come to pass, while hard, I am okay with that and here's why;

My father was a strong man both physically and spiritually. As a kid I remember my father taking me to a sporting goods store where we were looking at weights, they were all bolted to the floor except for one massive bar loaded with weights, my dad scooped it up like it was a bag of cotton candy. You should have seen the salesman come running over telling him to put that down, my dad responding all the others were bolted down, the salesman shockingly saying we didn't bolt that one down because no one could lift it, me, beaming with pride, that's my dad.

I guess what I am saying is nothing is impossible until someone tells you it is... then you better question that man's capabilities to see if he measures up, odds are we can all do a bit better than the man before us if we have the faith.

One of the times my wife and I went to see my dad at the hospital he told me this isn't the end of him, he is going to "whip it". While it wasn't in God's plan for that to happen, he won, he won the game of life. I sometimes think he didn't know God was speaking directly to Adam when he said to be fruitful and multiply for my father took that command on as one of his personal missions so here we are, all 8 of us. He planted the seeds of God to grow in our whole family, he was a provider, a protector, servant of God, he feared nothing that was put in place for man to fear.

Through this illness my father lost his speech, his mobility, his ability to write, he couldn't take care of himself and do you know what he did about it? He worshiped God. In the end God brought my father home as we all were around him, not waking from the night before yet my dad mustered up the strength to practically set up and look around the room and call his family to his side. He told my mother what I believe was I love you, then laid his head back down, exhailed his last breath and went on home. Doing it how he did he told the enemy one last time to go back to hell. So to my hero, I can stand here today and proclaim dad, job well done. I love you and I won't say goodbye only I'll see you later.

Son #1, child # 4.

Here he is the day before he passed away, what a great man, father and friend.


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So sorry for your loss. My father passed away December 30th, 1998. His dream was to see the year 2000, but he came up short. We got to do lots of things together, most notably to me was seeing Halley's Comet on March 8th, 1986 which was also my birthday. We have a pretty nice local planetarium in Macon, and they had broken out their badass telescopes for the occasion. They actually had to point out the comet to us, because it was heading away from Earth and the tail was barely visible. It just looked like a blurry star. Astute as he always was Daddy said in his best disgusted voice, "Hell, you caint prove it by me!" The staff just looked at each other like some old dude just stole all their candy. lol That's just how he was. He spoke his mind. I know he cherished that moment though, because he spoke fondly of it later on. So, in saying all this, that's my advice for you. Remember the good times. While you will never get over the loss, remembering good memories will help you cope. It works for me.
Sorry for your loss, and yes, I know how you feel, I lost my dad a few months ago. Take comfort in that he is not suffering anymore. And be prepared for unexpected tears to well up when something triggers a memory. Life goes on, but death is not something that God originally intended humans to experience. Take care man.
Sorry for your loss, what a nice tribute you posted here...prayers sent for you.
Sounds like your dad was an amazing person, so glad you had the time to spend with him. Fathers can be a blessing and a curse at times in my experiences both as a son and as a father and I am glad you told your story to us in this sangha of mopar fans.
My he be embraced in the arms of the Divine Mother and Father.
Peace to you and your family in your loss.
my dad mustered up the strength to practically set up and look around the room and call his family to his side. He told my mother what I believe was I love you, then laid his head back down, exhailed his last breath and went on home.

That is the definition of a "bad ***".

Lost my own dad last November.
Martin Thank you for posting this. You father left you in good standing, He knew how
strong you are in your Heart and that you will help others in which you already have done. This is Gods plan and your father knew that all along.

Even the small things are huge to some other people. Some of us do not see it.
Keep doing what you are doing.

GOD Bless
I sympathize with your loss...thank you for the important reminder about our loved ones.

Your Dad was a real role model, his kind is becoming harder and harder to find. Somehow men of his generation were stronger in many ways.

I understand how you feel, my Dad will always be my superman. At age 14 he kept all the radios in his town working, the money he earned paid for his engineering degree and at 23 he was builing equipment for the space program. He could split a log with one axeblow where it took me 5 minutes with wedges and a sledgehammer. He has built boats, airplanes, plumbing systems and electrical systems of all kinds. Sadly for him I never possessed his talents for building things but he always found time to help me fix my bike or let me paint or varnish things. At 77 he still has multiple projects, his latest is a pamphlet instructing other men how to take care of themselves after bladder removal surgery. He is the eternal optimist.

The photo really shows the love between your Dad and your family. Thank you for telling us about him.
Thank you for posting this tribute to your dad.
Cherish the memories of all the years you had with him and he will always be with you. I lost my father when I was only 7 years old but I still hold memories of family camping and fishing vacations.
I lost my mother over 20 years ago and my long-time stepfather earlier this year. But the memories of both remain strong.
You had a wonderful father. Thank you for telling us all about him.
I'm sorry for your loss and appreciate you sharing. I too lost my father to cancer back in 1987, I still miss him but he will always remain an influence on my life.
I'll chime in with my condolences and prayers.

Thank you for posting the tribute.

I'm sitting here damn near in tears reading it.
Sorry for your loss, sounds like a great man, father and husband. I lost my father in 1988 while I was serving in the Air Force in Korea, I tried many times in ten years for a transfer to a base close to him but was turned down. I miss him every day and feel I let him down [we did not see eye to eye] by not being there for him and expressing my feelings and apologies for my actions when I was younger, I suppose i'll have to wait till my demise for us to bond again.
Thank you all, really does mean a lot to me to me. It's hard when someone close to you passes away and I think harder when it's unexpected. So many kind words from you all, I felt a bit odd posting something do personal to me but am glad I did.

Several of you posted about your dad's, they all sound like great men. Like was said I think it's a generation of honest, hard working men that just isn't the common place anymore.

Lou, I had some issues with my father as well, being one now I think some things don't have to be said and there is just a certain understanding we have with our kids and a love that doesn't need explanation. A father and son bond takes a whole lot to break, I am sure your father knew how you felt and knows you loved him.
Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing, my dad passed away a year ago from brain cancer. I miss him dearly, yesterday I finally got his car running, it had been sitting so long that the rust in the gas tank took out the entire fuel system. Changing the injectors on a Ford 302 is not a fun job, now my nephew can sell it to help pay his rent.

But it made me feel good to get to drive it one more time and to think about dad and all he meant to me and everyone.

Dad’s last words were “I wish” then he lost his train of thought and went on eating the licorice that I had brought him, he had a major seizure later that night and died 3 weeks later, never regaining consciousness again.

My plan is to not leave this world wishing I did something more or didn’t do something I should have. I have realized that you have to let go sometimes of your mistakes and live for the future, you have to let people know how important they are to you and not let pettiness rule your life.

enjoy life while you can, stuff isn't important, people are.

God Bless