My first home!!!!!!



Remember Landy
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
cedar park, tx
Its official! Today I closed on my first home and departed from the world of renting. Now I just need to get all my crap the 1,800 miles to Texas! A few pics.





Congratulations Johnny! It looks great! We're sorry to see you leave (the Bay Area) but totally understand the move. So, when is the final move date?
Looks like early a.m. June 4th, we hope to not get caught in the Cali hot spots. Plus I really need to get the Dart buttoned up and I haven't even started packing yet so the rush is on.
Congrats on the new digs. And good luck on the big move.. exciting times for sure!

Congratulations! The place looks very bright, open and airy. Don't skimp on the inspection...once you own it you're paying for any repairs.
Oh, what an exciting time for you! Congrats Johnny ... trust me, you'll never look at Lowe's or Home Depot the same way now.

Best of luck for a smooth and successful transition!
Beautiful house dude....congrats...what part of TX? I don't think you mentioned....any part of Texas is nicer (IMHO) then San mother in law lived in San Jose in the 70's, so I spent a fair amount of time there. They still had the circle track at that time which I believe I heard is now history.
Sweet place! Lots better than my first house looked when we got it! Congrats!!
OH! Sweeeeeeet, your gonna love the tax return! Excellent move! Congrads! Best of luck with it all!
It`s great to have a place you can call yours. You can now begin building equity instead of buying the house for someone else.