Did you check your break away torque? Mount a torque wrench up on the crank snout,and turn the crank. Record how much tq it takes to turn the crank. This is your break away tq #. Now loosen the bolt's on the central main cap,and check the side clearance . It should be the same on both sides .Yopu will need 2 sets of feeler guages for the next step. Select the same feeler guage and wiggle them in in on both sides of the main. Tap the crank slightly on each end with a mallet,and then tq down the main cap to spec. Remove the feeler guages,and recheck your break away torque. It should be a lower #. This method free's up h.p. It's literally FREE H.P. Whatever the breakaway tq is now vs what it was before is your free power.
Do this for all the mains,and rod's as well. Make sure to plastiguage all your clearances,and after plastguage your not done. Put some oil on the bearing,assemble it and turn the crank several times. Take the bearing cap off and check your bearing contact pattern. If there is a nice even coat aross the bearing surface,you have a good pattern. If the oil is wiped off in one spot or more,you need to clearance your bearing shell's.