My GIANT MESS of a garage



Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston IL
OK, I have been stuffing crap into this garage for about 12 years. It has served as a catch all for whatever came along. I've had four Mopar friends move during this time and this garage always gets filled up with what's left from their garage's. Then there were the parts cars and bikes, and whatnot...
Long story but I've always thought I needed two nice, full summer days to get everything out and back in organized. I've been sorting parts and hardware over the years when I get 15 minutes here or an hour there so it's was not just complete disorganization. Anyway, this is what I started with.




OK, I have been stuffing crap into this garage for about 12 years. It has served as a catch all for whatever came along. I've had four Mopar friends move during this time and this garage always gets filled up with what's left from their garage's. Then there were the parts cars and bikes, and whatnot...
Long story but I've always thought I needed two nice, full summer days to get everything out and back in organized. I've been sorting parts and hardware over the years when I get 15 minutes here or an hour there so it's was not just complete disorganization. Anyway, this is what I started with.
I started out on nice, sunny Thursday morning bright and early. My goal was to get the Dart unburied and out to that I could continue to dig to the back of the garage and eventually park the GTS along the back wall (where it's sure not to go anywhere or have anything done to it...).
I worked until about 4 pm to get to this point.



OK so about 7 pm I'm starting to get the GTS back into the garage. My cheap car skates suck. The jack in the front and the skates in the back along with a borrowed neighbor got the car where I wanted it.




This is the last shot. The next day it poured all day and I had to put a lot of important stuff back in (in neat rows) and I worked around it. Needless to say, my estimate of two days was WAY off. I'm getting there, and it looks a lot different than it does even in the last picture, but there is still a long way to go. There is clean floor visible now, and I've turned in about $100 worth of scrap. When I am done, I will have a spot for three cars.
I should also mention that until last August I had use of a family BARN to store large parts in. Well, that came to an end and most of the stuff that I didn't sell or scrap ended up in here too. I sold three cars and a truck from that barn.
I thought you guys would get a kick out of this and hopefully a good laugh. Funny how all my friends were "busy" while I was working on this...

you got me wondering if that show "Hoarders" has aired yet??:-D:-D:-D
I guess I qualify as a hoarder. The fact that this garage isn't at my home didn't help.
I have been selling off parts that I know I'll never need but there is still a bunch of stuff to get rid of. What you can't see in there is the loft which is also full of parts. I know there is the hood off a 72 Demon GSS (scoop on back wall) but other than that, I haven't been able to get up there for a lot of years. It will be a new discovery for me to see what's up there.
I also managed to fix the white van seen in one of the pics while I was at it. It needed a water pump.
You win! lol! On the upside, kudos on the cleanup! How many parts did you find that you've been looking for for years?
I've found mainly brackets and parts like that. I also went through a bunch of old wiring harnesses and cut off the good connectors. If anyone needs a factory connector for something let me know. I will probably be selling them soon for cheap.
Wow ! I thought my garage was a write off. You have topped it for sure! It sure looks nice now. Good job!

Now, I must go out and start my clean up . LOL.
Thanks for the pics, now I can prove to my wife that I am not the most unorganized person ever, lol

Grant, my wife says the same of me and my garage. But then I get to show her that most of the 'stuff' are things she decided she didn't want in the house anymore (sometimes that's me too).
I know what you are going through,I have a 6 car garage with all the tools and equipment you can use and want,to do just about any job.Bad part about this,and I know some of you are saying how can there be a bad part of a 6 car garage,is that its all in a 1 1/2 car garage,that,s the bad part.mrmopartech
If you want to talk about,try and find me in the garage!
Ive got 2 chickens in the garage right now,mainly in a large dog crate. hopefully they will be out with the other 2 in the next couple of days. then I get to really clean up.
I know how you feel GTS 340. I have been trying to dig my Charger and my Dart out for almost two days. Only problem is my garage is 30 by 45. I'm taking a break cause its hot in there, but I am beginning to see what could be a path for the Dart to make its' escape. The main obstacle left is an engine stand with a 340 on it. After I get it all cleaned up I will be able to put some of the stuff into it that has spilled out the sides. LOL All I tossed were some empty cardboard boxes. I relented and dug a couple of things out of the dumpster that I had previously tossed. Worst of it is I can think of a few things I don't have that I could really use.
I just got back from the recycler and turned in all my copper wiring harness scrap and some scrap brass. Another $54 dollars found. I think I'm about done with the good metals unless I decide to scrap alternators. I'm going to go through them and have them all tested (again, did it years ago) and see if there are any good dates in there first. I also have too many valve covers, water pump housings, starters and carbs. One way or the other I will pare this stuff down.
You should have just invited everyone over for a treasure hunt.... "Hey look guys, I found a DART! JACKPOT!" Being serious of course, it looks a whole lot better! The garage is a lot bigger than it looked in the first pics.