My Kid is in the "Dawghouse" over "Bacon"

Don't judge him so harshly.
Ask yourself honestly if you would have done this yourself given the same situation.
I know i couldn't have resisted......
Just sayin'.
He likes to play around with cooking...made Bacon weave today I didn't get any...he's so gonna Pay........ recipe: bacon....lot's of it!!! weaved together and add brown sugar and cinnamon......

Oh man, he didn't share? Dang kids LOL :glasses7:
I slice jalapenos lengthwise in half and fill with cream cheese and wrap in bacon. Grill over mesquite or pecan laced fire till bacons crisp. Eat while warm with wobbly pop of choice.
Your kid watches Epic Meal Time..... Soon he'll be cooking with Jack Daniel's.....

Good kid....

- CK