My little mechanic.



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2006
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Father/Daughter bonding moment. The date is wrong. It was today.

Awesome for and her! Getting them involved with anything and you is a great thing. Creates memories and a tight bond. Im proud and happy for you!!! I spend tons of time with my kids,but my daughter hates getting dirty,lol. The boy is another story....
Haha thanks. My two boys would rather stay inside and play video games but every time I work on the car she's asking to help. I'm proud to bring another mopar girl into the world!
I used to have these small coverals for my daughter to wear, she used to like to ride on the creeper under the car while I was there with her. Of course that was like 18 years ago. None of my two daughter never really got interested in "WORKING" on them, they just love them for the "transportation" aspect.

Your daughter is very cute! I hope you have a lifetime of shared moments like that with her!!!
That is very cool! and cute little girl! One day when I have children of my own, they will be right there with me under the car, whether momma likes it or not!
My oldest daughter used to help me on cars whenever she could. She's now 29 and reminds me regularly about the days when we worked on shock-m-asorbers, carbonraters, and vav cubbers. She also gets a little respect when she takes her car in for service and they start telling her what's wrong or what they're going to do and she lifts an eyebrow. She comments on how "Mr. hotshot service writer" changes his attitude when she demonstrates some automotive knowledge. She will even work on some smaller repairs herself. And she surely knows a combination wrench from a vice-grip....even 7/16 from 9/16...righty tighty lefty loosey, etc.
Get that little cutie out to the car with you at every opportunity. It will get her to learn a bit about mechanical things, provide some fun times together and create some fond memories.
That's great! Anytime you can spend with your kids doing something together is precious.Even better when they are working with you on your car.8)
Haha thanks. My two boys would rather stay inside and play video games but every time I work on the car she's asking to help. I'm proud to bring another mopar girl into the world!

IMHO those eyes say it all. lol, may I humbly suggest you get ready
to separate the poser racers/suitors from the real deal when She grows up.

just an old 'hooligans' $.02...:-D
Haha thanks. My two boys would rather stay inside and play video games but every time I work on the car she's asking to help. I'm proud to bring another mopar girl into the world!

Boy that sounds familiar! Dad built/ran stock cars and my older brother never liked to get dirty either. Tadahhhhhh still at it 40 years later. :-D

She's adorable and looks like she's having a blast! Enjoy the help and every moment you can spend ...... that time will be gone before you know it and she'll be asking for her own Mopar. :clock:
Man I remember the days when my kids wanted to help. Enjoy it, something happens when the become teenagers. They forget all about helping out.:-D

But it does make you feel good when their young.