My Luck



i remember being a young buck and putting new points in my dirtbike (which at the time was my only means of transportation)
im not sure how i managed to do this, but when i pulled of the flywheel and dropped the key
of course im working outside and that key was gone forever

of course, its a friday night and i lived out in a small town so i was out of luck
but, this is a dirtbike were working on, not a spacerocket so i figured, i can eyeball it

so after i replaced the points and gapped them properly, i put the flywheel on and trying to hold the crank on the right spot i put the nut back on hoping i was close enough

button it all back up, i jump on the kickstarter and boy did she fire right up
it sounded awesome, crisp, like a brand new dirtbike
so needless to say, im feeling pretty good about myself, and with it being friday nite and me getting thirsty, i pointed the bike towards the local watering hole, kicked her in first, popped the clutch and went over the handlebars flat on my face as my bike shot out from underneath me...backwards

i guess i was off just a little on the flywheel and got the timing so far advanced that it sparked too early in the compression stroke, it ignited and kicked it backwards
once it was running backwards it ran fine

you should have seen the looks on the guys faces as i showed up driving backwards on my dirtbike