my mopar story



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
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Michigan City
truth be told, I'm relatively new to cars in general. The whole actual love affair started when I met my fiance just a little over 3 years ago, don't get me wrong I always flirted with the romance of muscle, but never had an actual desire to go for it.

Meeting her dad the first time, and Eleanor his 67 ford Galaxie 500, is what got me hooked, really trully stuck in the car game. The alley behind the garage told the tale of how much fun her and her dad shared when they tore down the motor, or the rear-end before, and after breaking them after months of hard abuse.

Growing up in a bowtie family, and having a soft-spot for camaros I always kind of wanted one of my own, and I NEEDED something to compete with Eleanor. When I first got my liscense though, cars of that nature were well in the 30 thousand dollar mark, but soon after being introduced to the real desire to have a car, the banks and economy went belly up and I finally had my chance I scored my first real muscle from a couple that had bought it 5 years earlier for much more than I got it. We traveled by plane to nebraska (from indiana) to get the car and drove her back the whole way.

When we made our way back to indiana, we didn't stop to say hey to my parents, the whole time we were coming home the plan was to stop by and see her dad. Imagine the suprise on his face when I tossed him the keys and asked if he wanted a cruise!

Soon after, we grew closer together and he started telling me stories of his uncle Tron and his 69 superbee, equiped with the 440 six pack, Tron's run-ins with the law, the awesome power of the 440, and the time he drove Tron's car. He was still in awe of that car, even after building his galaxie to over 500 horse.

A few years of tinkering on my camaro, helping him build a truck out of 3 different ones, helping with eleanor, and listening to his stories followed. More hearing of the superbee and more jealousy of how great a car like that had to be.

I was driving home from work one day, and my friend jim passed me in his old highschool 67 barracuda, and he had a 'for sale' sign in the window... I pulled a u-turn in traffic and followed him home, and bought the car on the spot! It may not be a superbee, but I knew a 440 would fit, I could build a car like tron's and launch with the power and excellence of mopar muscle.

In late febuary/early march the call came in that uncle Tron had passed away from complications with his liver... Sadly, my fiance's dad didn't take things so well, and relaxed his nerves with long motor-cycle cruises in the country. It was on one of these trips on may 14th of this year that he was struck by a car, and launched over 100 ft off of his late uncle's bike and killed.

I guess I'm into cars, and mopars because of him. I learned to build my first motor with him. the camaro runs as strong and hard as it can from what he taught me. I wanted to build the barracuda with him, now I hope one day it will serve as a memorial to him, and his uncle Tron. My camaro already had a copy of his signature on my glove box. Kind of a carrol shelby type of thing.

I'm in it for the haul, my budget is to small for the 440, but I'll find a way, like the old man always said "don't do it half-assed"
Sorry about my spelling and all, I'm just trying to keep from getting too emotional, I've started to type this a few times, and am actually suprised if this came out halfway decent
Welcome to FABO! I very much enjoyed your story and respect what you are after in your car and as he said. Never do thing half-assed. Do what you want with your car. Your story really touched a soft spot deep down inside of me. I wish you the best of luck with your '67 Barracuda. I'm sure it'll be a beast!!
Great story! I can tell that a lot of emotion was put into your story, and it reminds me of all the family/friends that were lost, that were inspirations to me not only in cars, but life as well. Good to have another '67 Barracuda on the site! Welcome aboard!
Great story! Brought back some good memories of the things I learned while working on stuff with my Father-in-law.
Welcome to FABO! Nice back story. Got any pics of your car to share with us? We would love to see it.
Welcome, . . . the passion for cars is here, as is friendship, and the sharing of the joys of accomplishment!!
Welcome to FABO from SoCal! Great story, glad you introduced yourself with your Mopar history.
Hope you have as much fun here as I've had over the past couple of years.
Please post pics of your '67. We'll watch it as your build progresses.
Welcome, those you love won't care how long it takes, but that you did it right.
Yeah, I'll get a few pics of the barracuda when I get the chance to. It's out at my parents for now so I can spend sometime hanging around them when I work on it.. The father in law's Galaxie is in the garage right now, ignition system took a crap on us, so that's my concern for now.

I'm still trying to figure out what color his uncle's superbee was, I'm figuring that will be what I paint the barracuda down the line.
Welcome and great story! Having memories like that will keep the passion alive for you. You may even be able to track down Tron's Bee if you get enough info about it, because a car like that would be pretty well known. (try asking on Moparts when you get some more info).!
honestly it'd be interesting to know what happened to the bee. It isn't the car that got the old man into muscle cars to be honest, he just grew up at the right time and was constantly surrounded by chevelles and elcaminos, he even had a 69 firebird when he was 14, that he drove... once, but that's a different story

The first ride
Sometime in the mid to late 80's Tron for some reason got tired of the Superbee, whether it be due to frustration or boredom, isn't apparent to me, and decided now was the time to get out from under the car. (a little note here; during his warranty period (he bought the bee new and got all the speed goodies he could) Tron went through dozens of transmissions, engines and rear ends, and on at least one occasion came back twice in the same week!) Tron asked if he could use the hill at Jerry and Joyce's (the father in law's parents) to display the car, as they lived right on the edge of the highway.
After a few weeks one of the old man's friends comes over as hes pulling the engine out of a mustang 2. "Hey your uncle really seems to be wanting to get rid of that superbee"
"What do you mean?"
"Isn't that his car sitting across the road on the railroad track..."
"Oh Sh--" imediately the old man goes to work, rips the battery right out of the mustang and tosses it to his buddy, "We gotta go, NOW! If he sees that we're both dead"
The pair run across the street, toss the battery in the car and pray the week cell will have enough power to start the high-horse 6-pack... RRrrrrRRRRrrr.... RRRRRrrrrrRRRRR.... RRRRRrrrrrrrRRRRRrrrrr... pop pop pop, the engine labored to go but started up without much trouble..
"Okay, get in, we're going straight across the street"
"Well, I bet you're scared of this damn thing, I can hear it in your voice" prodded his friend.
"Just get in and SHUT UP" instead of going straight across the street, the pair turn down the road towards a nearby gas station. They pull to a stop in the middle of the road, rev the bee up and drop the clutch... The old man never deviated in this part of the story, as best as I can remember this is how he put it. "The car really got squirrely and tried to put me in the back seat, when it was time to shift into second I couldn't reach the shifter. my buddy had to prod me on that and say I was chicken, so I tried it again, and this time when It was time to shift I threw her back into second and let it rip, it was all I could do to hold on to the shifter, scared the hell out of me... but my buddy was even more worse."
They turned around at the gas station, up the driveway over and up to the hill and parked the car where it was that morning. Sometime that afternoon Tron came by, looked at the old man and started laughing; "So you finally drover her huh? I KNOW you opened her up and tried to kick it's *** a little... you're still shaking and your face is BEET RED!"
The last time I was in the garage with him, and we were working on Tron's bike that he inhereted a few months before he died, he told me that story and held onto the fact that Tron's bee was is and will always be the ONLY car that scared him. The plan before his passing was that I was gonna plant him in the back seat, with another mopar.
Images are clickable links, left side, fenders and quarter (donor from a rolled over 67 notch clamped in place) and a comparison shot of the old quarter in place

From a distance, right side fender shot, from the rear a shot of the mostly finished replacement of the right quarter panel, and rocker panel... the area not covered in the comparison shot (the old panel is the general size of the donor I had) had to be patched in making that wheel housing is a pain.
rear shot, showing what color I might paint the car when I'm done.

my poor bashed in tail panel, lots of dent pulling to do

dash and some of the interior, most of the inside panels are in great shape

floor patch, only rusted out on driver side, nothing else inside the car to do

another interior shot

gas cap

only panel on the car that hasn't gotten and probably wont get any work

emblem I got from 68383GTS

anyone know this club?

dude, I'm liking your build. it reminds me of mine and how its like 8 different colors too. lol. Thanks for sharing with us and Welcome to FABO! I started a restoration thread for my car:-D
yeah, I know I need to start a resto thread, but I haven't gotten hardly anything done on the car since may, and it doesn't really warrant a thread unless I get rolling on it again.

FORGOT TO MENTION. both fenders were pretty well squashed in front of the wheel openings, i never got a pic of the car like that though, I took a hammer to them before the car cooled down when I first got her home. Kind of regret not having that before pic

A few weeks ago, after not seeing the car for a while, i made a comment about the fenders to the fiance... she forgot all about it, apparently she can't tell anymore even.. and she has QUITE the attention to detail.
hey, your emotion practically just flows through the first post you wrote, and i can tell how much you and him bonded, welcome here, and your welcome aboard,