my nephew got lucky im not his dad



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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I was hanging out at the inlaws last night when my sister in laws phone rings

* hello?



*OK, fine.

(she hangs up)

so I say, whats wrong?
(thinking he killed someone the way she reacted)

apparently he ran out of gas (the kids is 16)

so I say, don't worry, ill run out there
I call him up and he tells me where hes at

now, he's only 2-3 miles from a gas station
a brisk walk for a kid his age shouldn't take more then an hour and a half and I garantuee you he wont run it dry again if he has that much time to think about it

so I explain to the miss's that if he were our boy (ours is 5) I would drive out there with an EMPTY jerrycan and wish him the best of luck

luckily for my nephew I was told "well, you aren't his dad"

so I brought him 2 gallons of gas :wack:
diymirage, you and I think alike.. if that would have happened to me as a kid, I would have found some gas and NOT let my parents know the truth of it!! of course, back then, by the time I walked to a phone, would been just as easy to borrow a can of gas and walk back to the car!!!
I've never run out of gas. I don't understand people that do.
Yup .....happened to me once that I ran out of gas........ took 20 minuteS to walk to the gas station an 20 back. I don't have a fancy phone so I didn't call my dad.......I have a feeling he would have done the same as what you were thinking to do.

Most gas stations have a " loaner" gas can ...a tiny one.

I doubt he have walked all the way because people are generally friendly and would offer a ride. When I was walking ...... at least five guys stopped to see what I was doing and if I needed help. I thought it was a good excuse for some exercise so I walked the whole way and back to the car. Of course I had a shorter distance than your nephew.

But you are absolutely thinking right. ....... parents are not helping kids by letting them sit around watching crap on tv
My mother in law keeps a 2 gallon can in the trunk full of gas ( of course not tied down , just sitting there) , when I told her that is not safe , she looked at me like I was crazy , she says " what do I do when I run out of gas " ... I just shook my head ....
My mother in law keeps a 2 gallon can in the trunk full of gas ( of course not tide down , just sitting there) , when I told her that is not safe , she looked at me like I was crazy , she says " what do I do when I run out of gas " ... I just shook my head ....

that's got to be safer then a 2 gallon can with 4 or 5 ounces of gas in it :banghead:
When I was harrassing the pubic in my beat up old FJ-40, the fuel gauge was almost useless. S&W gauge and sender, by the way. So I nearly ALWAYS had a Jerry can on the back.

One day going across the "long bridge." Here's the wife of the local Shell oil distributor out of gas in her 70's Lincoln Continuous.

By the way, I'm not too damn sure she ever paid me back for that, either.
My A body has no gas gauge...

I just open the gas cap, push down on the rear quarter and place my ear to the filler opening.

I have never ran out of gas.

(I do keep an empty can in the trunk and a thumb.) Thumb not in trunk....
Ran out a couple of times in my Duster when I was a kid. Fuel gauge would go to half, and then drop to empty. After the second time, I took it back to the dealership, and had them fix it. (Under warranty)
Hell, I ran out of gas this last saturday. I called a friend, and I couldn't believe how quick he got there. Turns out, it got him out of the yard work his wife had assigned him.
Ran out a couple of times in my Duster when I was a kid. Fuel gauge would go to half, and then drop to empty. After the second time, I took it back to the dealership, and had them fix it. (Under warranty)

what was the problem? that is exactly what the one in my dart does.
Hell, I ran out of gas this last saturday. I called a friend, and I couldn't believe how quick he got there. Turns out, it got him out of the yard work his wife had assigned him.

Well I guess you should have answered the phone on Saturday because Inertia , myself ,65Val and his buddy with the 70 RoadRunner were trying to get hold of you to join us -bet there were more gas cans than brain cells in the shop between us buddy .

Back on topic I got a call from my wife 1morning ,she had a flat and I had to drive 2towns over to change it , I get there and both her teenage sons are sitting in the back seat with the owners manual in the glove box - The councilor said I was a bad step dad and husband for the words that came out of my mouth that day .
Something I enjoy about being an uncle, I can teach nephew/niece things their parents haven't taught them. Often no one has instilled useful traits in the youngsters.
When I was harrassing the pubic in my beat up old FJ-40, the fuel gauge was almost useless. S&W gauge and sender, by the way. So I nearly ALWAYS had a Jerry can on the back.

One day going across the "long bridge." Here's the wife of the local Shell oil distributor out of gas in her 70's Lincoln Continuous.

By the way, I'm not too damn sure she ever paid me back for that, either.

This... Factory stuff works,live with it... & I run out of gas idiotically, while thinking about more car modification s... ( Ironic,isn't it?..)
When I was harrassing the pubic in my beat up old FJ-40, the fuel gauge was almost useless. S&W gauge and sender, by the way. So I nearly ALWAYS had a Jerry can on the back.

One day going across the "long bridge." Here's the wife of the local Shell oil distributor out of gas in her 70's Lincoln Continuous.

By the way, I'm not too damn sure she ever paid me back for that, either.

Do I want to ask, or should I leave it alone? Seems like that could have been a hairy situation!
Had it happen to me when I was about that age. I walked to the gas station, BOUGHT a 2 gallon gas can, filled it up and fixed my OWN screw up. lol
I used to carry a spare can with a gallon in it JIC...
This reminds me of a 67 Impala I had when young. Gauge was broken so I carried a broom handle to check the level once in awhile. Never ran out that way.
My ex-wife ran out on the way home from work once, she called me and I took her some gas. Funny thing is it was less than 2 miles from home to her job, I just laughed while I dumped the gas in the 05 Chevy avalanche with a perfect gas gauge and warning light.
My ex-wife ran out on the way home from work once, she called me and I took her some gas. Funny thing is it was less than 2 miles from home to her job, I just laughed while I dumped the gas in the 05 Chevy avalanche with a perfect gas gauge and warning light.

I had a few girls stay with us for a few months, last winter
they were the daughters or a missionary friend of ours
I think the oldest is 18, the younger is 15

I had given them the keys to the charger (with a full tank of gas) so they wouldn't need to be stuck in the house

one day they were on their way to attend my 5 year old's Christmass party at preschool and instead of pulling out of the drive to the left, they went to the right

now, that road will dead end at the lake in about 20 miles or so, but they never made it that far

it was snowing pretty bad that day and about 5 miles out of the drive the finally ran that charger dry
(I guess their dad had never taught them how to fill the tank)

it was quite the adventure for them, because they were lost and stranded in a snowstorm

if that didn't teach them I don't think anything will
I ran out of gas just last week, finally got to take the boat out, filled it with 10 gallons, gauge said i had half a tank. So we cruised for a few hours and on the way back ran out of gas, gauge still said 1/4 tank. Fixed that sending unit that night.