My New Mopar Man Cave

MoparMuscleGuy, welcome to FABO from SoCal. Great new garage - both inside and out! Sure wish mine looked that - guess I better get busy with it. Also love the driveway paving.
Just one more request: how about some pics of your Dart?
I almost expect to see Tim the Toolman Taylor come through the door there.......Wish he'd been a real Mopar guy.

GREAT work.... (now let's see, that used to be the living room, I'm guessing....Where's the wife gonna watch TV now?) :toothy10::toothy10:
Man that is too nice! put some darn oil and oil dry on that floor or something will ya? Very nice in and out, congrats! I have a cousin that lives in Cocoa, weather sure beats the hell out of the outer banks!
Man that is too nice! put some darn oil and oil dry on that floor or something will ya? Very nice in and out, congrats! I have a cousin that lives in Cocoa, weather sure beats the hell out of the outer banks!
I know, everytime I go out there I say the same thing. I think this weekend I'll degrease the engine in there. After that I thought about draging an old engine block around the floor for a bit, all that while wearing golf shoes.:-D That will fix that shiny floor.:-D
Nice the best man caves are ,the ones not connected, to the house.
I do like it but would be small for me and my cars and trucks. I also like your landscaping and the pavers you have for the driveway.
Hello, I just found out about this forum a few days ago. I'm glad to see so many share my passion. I just completed my new garage. I have waited a long time for it and I'm very excited about it. I look forward to reading many posts to broaden my knowledge. God Bless! Yes, I know it's way to clean, but it's new. That's why I snapped a quick photo before the clutter hits.

You Florida guys really piss me off :angry2:....All the conditioning you need is that dopey little fan, meanwhile I'm freezing my oblongs off here in Jersey.
Wow nice garage and very clean. I like the lift as well.

Where did you get the garage? Im wanting to build one here and that one looks just like what doctor Mopar ordered :cheers: I need a bigger garage for my home shop.

Welcome to the board and great looking garage.
Where did you get the garage kit from and is it possible to get one twice as wide? Did you install it yourself? Expensive?
You Florida guys really piss me off :angry2:....All the conditioning you need is that dopey little fan, meanwhile I'm freezing my oblongs off here in Jersey.

I wouldn't take it too hard there Sassy........My garage has been appx. 25 to 30 degrees inside for about 2 weeks now........I feel your pain.

(But not for long!) :toothy10:
Where did you get the garage kit from and is it possible to get one twice as wide? Did you install it yourself? Expensive?
Hello, I got the garage from You can get the garage in any size you wish. I decided on a 20 ft wide x 25 ft deep and 13 ft ceiling for the size of my backyard. The building, electrical, cement slab, Car lift, and black, white and red floor was about $14000.00 to 15000.00 total. Thats including all permits and fees. I did all the electrical(to code) and floor work. The building was erected by the garage company. The slab was poured by a licensed contractor. The best part about this building is that it only raised my taxes 32.00 a year. Unlike block construction would have cost me $40,000 and raised my taxes about 2000.00 a year. The building is rated a 150 mph hurricane strength.
WHOA WHOA WHOA! i see a furd emblem!!! just joking...nice garage!