my shop teacher hit my jeep



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2007
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Macon Ga
with a frickin metel bar today:angryfir: i cussed that motherf@%ker out he barely dented my hood thank god it wasnt worse the high school has this old junk car they been wantin to get rid of an my buddy was gunna haul it off so we took advantage of my steel bumper and used it to shove the car where his triler winch could pull it up we got it over there an the a$$hole come runnin out yellin no you cant do that then he hits the hood man if he hada messed it up any worse ida keyed a big fat d!ck on his hood or maybe just shoved his truck onto the railroad tracks behind the school:angry5:
Well, theres allways the Princapal and the Police to fix the problem.

Save the railraod tracks for when he hurts the family and don't post about it or tape/photo it.
Is there more to this story than you're telling us? Why would the shop teacher care how you moved a car the school was trying to get rid of?
ok so i ran it over yesterday he didnt care then(i swear to god he dont give a crap bout anything we do else wed have been expelled a long time ago) but still he didnt have the right to hit my jeep with a piece of pipe am i wrong
Give us the whole story start to finish the jury is still out on this one but hitting the jeep seems quite harsh, and immature for a teacher!
ok the car belonged to a student it broke down in the parkin lot the auto class was gunna fix it but the kid didnt want to buy the parts and just left it that was last year this year they want it gone he wasnt gunna do any thing with it so my buddy got the title from the guy so we could scrap it save every one a big headache plus make a little cash so we were bored yesterday and we messed it up(ended up driving the jeep on it)since we were gunna haul it off today he didnt care bout that then just like he dont care any thing else we do but today he just freaked out and hit the jeep sure if he was upset he could have just yelled i could understand that but to hit sombodies car with a piece of pipe that aint right am i wrong?
ok so i ran it over yesterday he didnt care then(i swear to god he dont give a crap bout anything we do else wed have been expelled a long time ago) but still he didnt have the right to hit my jeep with a piece of pipe am i wrong

ROTFLMAO! :toothy10: He might have got chewed out about the last "incident" involving your Jeep, prompting him to attack it the next time it came around, lol! Maybe he thought there was another impromptu demo derby going on and thought he'd put the nix on the situation, not realizing that you'all were just trying to get it out of there.

70Darts right, it seems pretty weird and immature, but before I went over his head I'd talk to him about it. After all, having a cool shop teacher is a pretty good deal and he probably knows people who can get you a job after you graduate.

Bottom line: Was he right in what he did? No, but maybe it was a misunderstanding. Talk to him first.

BTW, thanks for making my day!
with a witness file a report and his insurance can deal with it, and the hood should be repaired but not out of your pocket, some role model he is supposed to be for the kids he teaches. .Makes ya wonder where they find some of them!!
with a witness file a report and his insurance can deal with it, and the hood should be repaired but not out of your pocket, some role model he is supposed to be for the kids he teaches. .Makes ya wonder where they find some of them!!

Is this a new, mint, showroom type jeep? How bad is the damage?
nah its a 89 wrangler shes my first project i put in a motor in it and my uncle painted it for free it was just a dent pretty good size but he didnt take off any paint its white so you cant see it too bad unless its in the sun it just realy pisses me off that somebody would intentionally hit my baby like that you know
As soon as he was pulling his arm back from hitting my vehicle with a piece of pipe I would have been on him like a fly on ****!
nah its a 89 wrangler shes my first project i put in a motor in it and my uncle painted it for free it was just a dent pretty good size but he didnt take off any paint its white so you cant see it too bad unless its in the sun it just realy pisses me off that somebody would intentionally hit my baby like that you know

I still say talk to him about it if he's been cool with you. If he freaks out again while talking to him, it's time to get serious.
i will talk to im for sure he may have just been havin a bad day but thats not an excuse tho

in the back of my mind i know its probly bout time he got mad bout somthin... god thats a fun class
Theres the schools principal and then theres the police.
yeah complain to the principal and tell him you'll deal with your insurance/police if ti isn't solved. I had an auto shop teacher that told me if I parked behind the school beside the autoshop door(I was mounting tires and didn't feel like carrying 5 rims and tires from the street or parking the truck in the shop taking up space from other guys) that he would hook his truck up to my ramcharger and drag it out into the middle of the street, he never did have much else to say to me after I talked to the principal.
ok the car belonged to a student it broke down in the parkin lot the auto class was gunna fix it but the kid didnt want to buy the parts and just left it that was last year this year they want it gone he wasnt gunna do any thing with it so my buddy got the title from the guy so we could scrap it save every one a big headache plus make a little cash so we were bored yesterday and we messed it up(ended up driving the jeep on it)since we were gunna haul it off today he didnt care bout that then just like he dont care any thing else we do but today he just freaked out and hit the jeep sure if he was upset he could have just yelled i could understand that but to hit sombodies car with a piece of pipe that aint right am i wrong?

Well from the teachers perspective I can see where he'd be pissed at you. As the teacher he is liable for your safety in class and on school property. So if you and your buddy roll the jeep over playing "BigFoot" with another vehicle and one of you gets hurt or killed----he and the school are liable, can get sued, and the school can cut out shop all together. I've seen it happen right here where I live. Junior year a kid got hurt in machine shop, evryone went nuts, senior year another kid (both were not using common sense) and the year after I graduated the machine shop was closed and the school board auctioned off all equipment. I see what you're saying that he had no right to hit your Jeep - agreed, but I think you should have thought twice about climbing onto the vehicle with your Jeep. IMO.
Rumblefish said it twice... principal, then police (if it comes to that). Heed his advice.

I am a member of my local school district's board of trustees. Very seldom does anyone ever come before us with a problem, because it is usually dealt with well before it would get to us. If you are that mad about what happened and you want some sort of relief, your school district has a prescribed policy for handling situations like this.

Go to the district's main administrative office and ask them for a copy of their board policy pertaining to filing a grievance. Read it carefully and do exactly what it says to do - in the exact order. Here in Texas, you do things like this:

1. You and/or your parents meet with the teacher to work things out nicely.
2. If not satisfied with the results of that meeting, meet with the campus principal to work things out nicely.
3. If not satisfied with the results of that meeting, ask the superintendent for instructions to file a Level I grievance.

Now the fun starts....

In a nut shell, from here on out, it can takes weeks or months to resolve the matter. You will have 15 days to file a form, the district will have 10 days to respond, you will have 10 days to respond.... get the picture???

Level I will be with the campus principal.
Level II will be with the district superintendent.
Level III will be with the school board.

If it ever gets that far, go to the scheduled school board meeting and explain to them exactly what happened. Tell them EXACTLY what you want as relief - Jeep's hood fixed and shop teacher give you a big hug, shop teacher castrated, high school shop permanently closed and tools auctioned off - you have to be specific. I didn't say you will get what you ask for, but you do have to ask.

One thing you should keep in mind is that once you start jacking with the shop teachers job, income, or career, you can kiss off the "fun" times forever. Although state law prohibits an employee from retaliating against someone for filing a grievance, you know, as well as I do, life in shop will no longer be a tea party.

I know you came here expecting all of us to line up behind you in support and sympathy for your injustice, but I have to say, although I don't agree with the teacher bashing your hood (that's not right), my beef is with him allowing the grab-*** and horseplay in his shop that probably got all of you to where you are now. If he ran a tighter ship (shop) and didn't allow the type of antics you allude to happening all the time, this might not have happened.

Shops can be very dangerous places, with a potential for very serious injuries. Power tools, heavy objects, flying sparks, sharp metal edges, flames near volatile liquids, slippery floors from spilled fluids, you name it. Allowing the students to forego all safety procedures and play "bash the car" is simply opening himself and the district up for serious lawsuits.

Should the shop teacher have whacked your hood? No. Should he fix it or the district pay to fix it? Yes. Should he be in trouble by his principal? Yes, but for more than just the hood incident. Should you be in trouble? Yes, for what you describe as actions that should have gotten you expelled long ago.

My recommendations:
1. Calmly and rationally meet with the shop teacher and make nice. Work it out so he agrees to fix the hood (maybe you can help and learn some bodyworking skills). Maybe even get an apology from him.
2. Admit to him that you haven't been a model student and you will pay more attention to shop safety and you will cut the crap out.
3. Finally, do just that. Have fun where fun is to be had, but realize you are there to learn skills. Don't forget, all your antics in class may be taking time and focus away from other students who are wanting to learn.

Of course, all of this comes from my 51 years of experience compared to your 16-18 years. I wasn't always this wise and sage, I was young once, too.

well today hes mad cuz i cussed im out but i figure i aint gunna take it to the principle or school board it would hurt me and my buddies just as bad if not worse cause like yall say i really souldnt have been doin what i was doin i admit that and that it was somthin the administrators wouldnt have turned a blind eye too its slightly worse than flamethrowers(shop teacher hates these more than anything else lol) or the occasional burnout

mine has not been the first to be hit by him but it was the only time he had a possible excuse in the eyes of the school he wasnt sorry either hes an idiot but i know i got a good thing goin with all the tools we got n i dont want to mess that up we work on alot of teachers cars n get favors in return we got alot of room to mess around when we got nuthin to do i never liked the guy too much believe me that aint changin but honestly aint gotta like him ill live its life i figure one day hell hit the wrong hood and im gunna have a real good laugh but it aint my job to give the old b@stard what he deserves hope i aint been soundin like a whinny kid....
What gives him the right to walk around with pipe hitting peoples vehicles?

He will more than likely loose it for sure and whack someone up side the head. Then his *** would be arrested, school would get sued, and he would be unemployed.

This reminds me of my auto mechanic teacher I had years ago. Thought he was really a MAN if you get what I mean. Guy came in the school lunch room from off the street and was going to blow this dude away for messing around with his girlfriend. Shop teacher played macho man and jumped up like he was going to walk over there and take the gun out of the guys hand.... well the guy popped two caps in his *** before he knew what was going on. Shop teacher lived but they said if the bullets had been any higher it would have hit his heart. Hero or dumb *** you take your pick.LOL!
lol dumb *** for sure that aint gunna happen for me the shop teacherd be hidein behind some kid