My Sister Recap



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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I had the weekend from Hell. Honestly... at times I wonder what the hell I've done in the past to have this kind of bad Karma going my way. I'm not even going into the details as right now is not the time. But believe me, it's a guaranteed story...
But the most annoying was that I came home today instead of YESTERDAY.....

My Sister has pneumonia in BOTH lungs and is still on oxygen because if they take her off of it, her blood oxygen level drops to 79. Anything below 90 is cause for concern.... 98 being ideal. My sister is classified as being worst than emphysema. They are giving her antibiotics intravenously which causes her potassium level to drop.... then they give her a potassium supplement to drink, which makes her sick, which causes her oxygen level to drop while she's yakking... Repeat.

Hopefully she'll respond quicker now that she's sleeping more. When she first got there she was scared to death... it took her almost 3 days before she slept a full night. Yesterday she seemed better rested which will help her recover.

It's still wait and see.... the Doctor said it could take a month. I might be back down in a week or so....

Thanks again for all the concern and prayers that were posted in the original thread. Not to mention the PM's I received while I was away. Thank you.
me and anita are thinking about you and your sister. keep thinking positive.
Sounds like a little rest and time will help. Wish your sister the best of luck, you try to take it easy and not worry too much!
Sounds like a nightmare, I hope things start going better for her, and you for that matter.
best of luck to your sis, i lost my dad to emphysema at 16, i know how hard it is when your sick and cant breath either, everything that helps one thing hurts another. keep her resting and thinking positive i know good spirits help speed up recovery, good luck and hope your next post is telling us shes better
John, than you for the update. This sounds pretty severe but I am glad to hear that she is getting some sleep. It works wonders while the medication and care do their thing. All of our best to you and your sis.
She's in good spirits, but she looks like hell. She can breathe... it's just that she's not retaining the oxygen in her lungs. The second CatScan they took on Saturday showed the condition worstened, but the other indications of infection are decreasing... a contradiction. But like I mentioned, she's getting rest now.

And as for Florida itself, wow.... what a PISSA you people are!

This is what greets you on the door leading into the hospital:

Hungry while staying up all night with a sick loved one?

Nah... wait. When I go off on my visiting Florida rant with all the bullshit that was thrown in my path you'll all laugh your collective asses off....
i hope she gets well soon!!!! lungs cleared up with all the meds they put in me thru the IV but i still have crackles in my lower lungs.

im on 3.5 liters of oxygen cuz my stats drop to low 80's....last night i took a sleep test and they took my oxygen off for the whole night of the test and my stats were 65...NOT GOOD!!!!

my thoughts and prayers go out to your sister!!!
i hope she gets well soon!!!! lungs cleared up with all the meds they put in me thru the IV but i still have crackles in my lower lungs.

im on 3.5 liters of oxygen cuz my stats drop to low 80's....last night i took a sleep test and they took my oxygen off for the whole night of the test and my stats were 65...NOT GOOD!!!!

my thoughts and prayers go out to your sister!!!

65 ?!?!? Wow! My Sister hit 78 when I was there and they were in a panic. I hope the BOTH of you get it together! I'm NOT looking forward to spending my weekends commuting back and forth to Florida.

They mentioned they might do a sleep apnea test on her, but again... the oxygen levels. Man, getting old sucks.
Best of luck man to your family and especially your sister. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this tough time.
Keep thinking positive!!! Attitude is EVERYTHING!!

Glad to hear that she , and you, are hangin in there! Hope all gets well soon!