My son is an A hole

Hey when I was younger it only took me getting put in my place just once to stop that crap. I am now facing the day ( and I know it will come) when one of my 3 ( yes 3) kids decides to try and get the best of DAD. I'll tell you know they may be smart and they may be fast but I have survived alot worse than any and all of them can dish out. Bring it. LOL. :salute:
ah yes as I recall, one Sunday while I was cutting up in church, my Dad asked me "Do you want to go outside?" and I said YES....

and to quote BJS...."Oh **** this is going to hurt".

never made THAT mistake again!!!
Over the years both my kids have know and most times respected the boundaries we established in this household. They learned, sometimes the hard way, what an (some would say) evil dad I could be when it came time to devising suitable punishment. You see I believe that mental torture is vastly more superior to physical punishment and a hole lot more fun, for me anyway. Now don't get me wrong, cause I'm the first to admit that if Plan A fails then Plan B (a slap upside the head) must immediately be put into action.
One other thing, I've been pulling wrenches since age 16 and I'm 50 now so usually all it takes is a squease with a twisting motion to make my point.

Terry :evil2: