Mystery Lube? Trying To Figure Out What Spray Oil Is Being Used On This Power Hammer



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
West Central Indiana
Okay Guys, I am trying to figure out what lube Mike Bello of Bello's Kustom's is using to lube the sheet metal on his power hammer.

He's mention several times in other videos it's something you use for stuck hardware removal, but he never mentions the brand. Almost like it's an illusive product.

In this video below at 39:50 he's spraying the panel with it. I've looked at a lot of images on Google to try and figure out what he's using to no avail.

If you recognise what he's using please let me know


Why not just ask him in the comments or if he has an email address?
Can't help you with what's in that particular bottle but I spent 15 years in the tin can industry and can tell you that the punch presses that make the ends for the top and bottom of the steel cans have a mister that dispenses a wax in a light solvent suspension onto the dies. The wax provides the lube that is needed to keep the dies from sticking to the sheet metal. WD40 has a wax in it and I bet would work pretty well in that power hammer. I've used it before when hand forming sheet metal in the garage and wasn't disappointed.
If I had to guess its WD40 We buy it in gallon containers and use a pump sprayer like his. Cheaper. WD40 like I said in another post is a lube that repels water like wax and also prevents rust.

Definitely PB Blaster.
Yup. Looks like it may an older version of the spray bottle that is available with the one gallon (or larger) can. (Lowes link below)




Having searched the internet last night for the best price on PB Blaster with the spray bottle included, Lowe's for sure has the best price and easy availability compared to any other source.

Why not just ask him in the comments or if he has an email address?

Mike doesn't answer any questions in the comments. While he does show a lot in his videos, he's just not going to come right out and tell you what he's using on most things.

I do find it fun to try and figure out all the parts he uses on his builds. I don't agree with how he does some things, but all and all he does a pretty good job for a production chop shop.
