Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

I think most of us are on the same page. ALL dogs can be mans best friend.
But, like me, certain breeds when the switch is flipped watch out.
I can guarantee if the switch is flipped with a little Shitzu like we got, I will survive. Dont like my chances against a pit. But it'll know it's in a fight tho lol. I got rid of our black lab Rufus after the grandkids came. Unpredictable prick.
Opinions vary and that's fine. But I guarantee, when your nice little yippie poodle draws blood on my leg. I will kick it just like a football just like the last one.
My 5 year old grandson would happily take that on.
I’ve met tons of pit bulls that are great dogs, and some that are just plain mean and out of control. My mom in law owns a boarding kennel so we see all kinds of dogs.

There’s a pit bull down the street from a job I’ve been doing, he’s been loose a number of times and has chased the plumber and one of my guys into the house. He’s owned by a crackhead, alcoholic, fighting, drinking couple who love to yell at the top of their lungs at each other at all hours of the day. “Baby” is going to catch someone, a kid, a plumber, or the heat guy, which will be “baby’s” last breath. It and the owners are a menace to the entire neighborhood, and they don’t care, it’s all about “Baby”! Some people shouldn’t have dogs, that’s the bottom line.
I’ve met tons of pit bulls that are great dogs, and some that are just plain mean and out of control. My mom in law owns a boarding kennel so we see all kinds of dogs

There’s a pit bull down the street from a job I’ve been doing, he’s been loose a number of times and has chased the plumber and one of my guys into the house. He’s owned by a crackhead, alcoholic, fighting, drinking couple who love to yell at the top of their lungs at each other at all hours of the day. “Baby” is going to catch someone, a kid, a plumber, or the heat guy, which will be “baby’s” last breath. It and the owners are a menace to the entire neighborhood, and they don’t care, it’s all about “Baby”! Some people shouldn’t have dogs, that’s the bottom line.

Sounds like baby should have been on
with a person on a farm situation.
Other wise shot.
Sounds like baby should have been on
with a person on a farm situation.
Other wise shot.
I love dogs.
Had pure bred labs my whole life.
Any dog that attacks my dogs or any human I will shoot instantly
I will take your opinion of me. Could care less.... When one puts me in another situation like 2 years ago and I am able to make a defense get the shovel out. That's reality!

Reality...Like "Could care less" ? Does this mean that you care a little?
Not missing anything. We are on the same page. It's no big secret that most car guys are big time dog lovers. They really need to toughen animal cruelty laws and how stringent the punishment needs to be so society will not allow the condoned actions of so many people who own Pitbulls to continue. When that happens and people are held accountable then through attrition the pitbull would be perceived completely different.

As said though when they flip the switch you better have a plan...

I agree, but at the same time, don't ruin some guy's life because he was defending his property, family or animals from a dog that was unrestrained. The lives of PEOPLE come first.
I’ve met tons of pit bulls that are great dogs, and some that are just plain mean and out of control. My mom in law owns a boarding kennel so we see all kinds of dogs.

There’s a pit bull down the street from a job I’ve been doing, he’s been loose a number of times and has chased the plumber and one of my guys into the house. He’s owned by a crackhead, alcoholic, fighting, drinking couple who love to yell at the top of their lungs at each other at all hours of the day. “Baby” is going to catch someone, a kid, a plumber, or the heat guy, which will be “baby’s” last breath. It and the owners are a menace to the entire neighborhood, and they don’t care, it’s all about “Baby”! Some people shouldn’t have dogs, that’s the bottom line.

Some people shouldn't have people.
In the 70's it was the Sheppards
In the 80's it was the Dobermans
In the 90's it was the Rottweilers
And now it is the Pit bulls.
What's next ?
Again, if you haven't had a Pit bull Terrior, you nothing about the breed.
They are a kind,loving,loyal breed. I've had them half my life. Raised all my kids, nieces, nephews, practically the whole neighborhood, and never hurt a flea. But some people your just never going to change their mind. Its sad they are stereotyped like that, because they are good dogs.
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In the 70's it was the Sheppards
In the 80's it was the Dobermans
In the 90's it was the Rottweilers
And now it is the Pit bulls.
What's next ?
Again, if you haven't had a Pit bull Terrior, you nothing about the breed.
They are a kind,loving,loyal breed. I've had them half my life. Raised all my kids, nieces, nephews, practically the whole neighborhood, and never hurt a flea. But some people your just never going to change their mind. Its sad they are stereotyped like that, because they are good dogs.

Tell that to friend of mine , that has a son , that had his face tore off while laying in the floor watching T V, he didn`t even know the dog came in the room behind him. Was raised around the dog all his life. TOOK 4-5 OPERATIONS TO MAKE HIM LOOK HALF DECENT !!
In the 70's it was the Sheppards
In the 80's it was the Dobermans
In the 90's it was the Rottweilers
And now it is the Pit bulls.
What's next ?
Again, if you haven't had a Pit bull Terrior, you nothing about the breed.
They are a kind,loving,loyal breed. I've had them half my life. Raised all my kids, nieces, nephews, practically the whole neighborhood, and never hurt a flea. But some people your just never going to change their mind. Its sad they are stereotyped like that, because they are good dogs.

I believe you are a responsible Pit owner.
Unfortunately its the 99% of all the other owners that are most of the problem
I believe you are a responsible Pit owner.
Unfortunately its the 99% of all the other owners that are most of the problem

oh brother... exaggerate much!? this is getting plain old stupid now... there are millions of well trained, well mannered loved pits out there. far more then bad ones that have been mistreated,neglected or trained to be nasty that give them the bad name... the bad ones are actually the minority.
Pit Bulls are butt ugly dogs.
But some people just like ugly, I guess.
There, I've said it.
Because someone has to call the baby ugly.


oh brother... exaggerate much!? this is getting plain old stupid now... there are millions of well trained, well mannered loved pits out there. far more then bad ones that have been mistreated,neglected or trained to be nasty that give them the bad name... the bad ones are actually the minority.

The one I quoted was a family pet, never mistreated , lived in the house, and had done nothing pryor to the attack I mentioned. His head was sent to OKC for testing, he didn't have rabies .
I would have 12 gauged the bastard on the spot !
I agree that bad pits are raised by bad people. They can be great dogs if raised properly. I have pics of me at 2 years old playing with my dads. He had a friend that had his pit attack the neighbor kid. After that, good dog or not buck dog had to go. It's like letting your kid play with a loaded gun. May be fine, may kill your child before you can even react. Its people that are willing to take that chance because "pits have a bad rap" I cannot understand. But its not "only" pits I agree. My little cousin had her scalp and ear just about removed by a chow when she was 8. Another, "sweet dog that had never hurt a fly". Until it was not.
In the 70's it was the Sheppards
In the 80's it was the Dobermans
In the 90's it was the Rottweilers
And now it is the Pit bulls.
What's next ?
Again, if you haven't had a Pit bull Terrior, you nothing about the breed.
They are a kind,loving,loyal breed. I've had them half my life. Raised all my kids, nieces, nephews, practically the whole neighborhood, and never hurt a flea. But some people your just never going to change their mind. Its sad they are stereotyped like that, because they are good dogs.

I had a GSD in the 70/80s.
Wasn't raised around kids.
Got aggressive around a kid in our yard when we moved to a new neighborhood.
I never trusted her around kids again.
Love GSDs for best all around dog.
like i said the minority.. if that was even cause by a dog.

No man not just a dog, a pit. Again all dogs can bite. I just don't understand the logic of having a dog around your children that could end their life in the time it takes you to go take a piss. I had an employee at the shop in Austin that got a call in the middle of the day from his panicked wife. His Pit had gotten out of the backyard, attacked a kid on a bike, and when his wife pulled it off it turned on her. He left and then came to work the next day furious at his, and I quote. "Stupid ***** wife that knows she cant yank on him when he is being aggressive". He was pissed at the kid for riding near his back fence, his wife for being attacked by it, the cops for writing him a ticket and making him and the dog attend obedience training. Everybody's fault but the sweet sweet pit that "never hurt nobody". That guy also had two kids under the age of 5 and that dog lives in the house with them. That sir, I cannot understand.
I agree with the statement there are way more pit crosses than purebred pits. That cross brings in other genetic factors.

The guys here that raise fighting dogs cross them for more size, etc. Those people are just low lifes in my opinion

I still say that every pure breed of dog has genetical inherit traits. Be it dogs breed to hunt, to guard, to be lap dog, etc. each breed has in general the same traits. Some individuals will be different just like people.

I have noticed seems like most dogs will act different around small children especially if not around them all the time. Have no idea why.

Dogs are territorial. They do not understand that your property line is here or not that fence is the line. A pit has extreme power in its jaws. I am sure some other breeds as well. That can be lethal.
I just don't understand the logic of having a dog around your children that could end their life in the time it takes you to go take a piss.

a freaking chiwawa or any dog can do that.

I had an employee at the shop in Austin that got a call in the middle of the day from his panicked wife. His Pit had gotten out of the backyard, attacked a kid on a bike, and when his wife pulled it off it turned on her. He left and then came to work the next day furious at his, and I quote. "Stupid ***** wife that knows she cant yank on him when he is being aggressive". He was pissed at the kid for riding near his back fence, his wife for being attacked by it, the cops for writing him a ticket and making him and the dog attend obedience training. Everybody's fault but the sweet sweet pit that "never hurt nobody". That guy also had two kids under the age of 5 and that dog lives in the house with them. That sir, I cannot understand.

and that is the asshole type of owner we are talking about here. he has allowed the dog to be like that. there are places that specialize in training aggressive dogs and they do so very successfully.. that dumb **** doesn't deserve to own a dog..

i have three pooches. two pit mixes and a little biscon shitzu.. when we first got our older pit mix he was a little guy. played real real rough and is high strung.. not in a mean way just everything is at 100 mph.. we took him to a place that trains police dogs.. he is still wound up but i tell his *** to heal and he will come sit on my left. great dog.. saw some very aggressive dogs in class (not pits by the way) that are that way to either people or other dogs. its amazing how they trained those dogs.. got tot eh point anyone could go prt them or other dogs could interact without getting bit. this didn't take long at all. amazing how fast good training of the dog and probably more importantly the handler (owner) improves that bad behavior..

now my younger pit is a big lazy ***. nothing is done without sitting there and wondering if he really wants to get out of his comfortable spot. took him to the same place to train and he only went a few times.. doesn't really need it.. some he learned from the older one, some he learned from us working with him but for the most part he is just a laid back dude..

hopefully if anyone breaks in the house or fucks with my girls they will know its for real and tear the fuckers to shreds...
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Back n forth n back n forth.... enuf other dogs out there that I dont have to choose a freaking pitbull. Family 1st **** pitbulls