Nascar nuts...



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
What do you think about the new cup series single spindle nut? Wallace looses one on the driver side in a road course and he wasnt even in a turn...They are LH threads in the driver side (forward motion is the tightening rotation) so wonder how he lost it? It even looks like there are spring loaded balls to hold the nut on? I think that is a lame idea.
Considering they’ve been around since 1908 and other forms of car racing have been successfully using them since inception I’m amazed NASCAR could screw it up.

Well, not really.
What do you think about the new cup series single spindle nut? Wallace looses one on the driver side in a road course and he wasnt even in a turn...They are LH threads in the driver side (forward motion is the tightening rotation) so wonder how he lost it? It even looks like there are spring loaded balls to hold the nut on? I think that is a lame idea.

Turned the race on at just the right moment to see Bubba's tire headed for the infield with the knock off nut following close behind :lol:
Turned the race on at just the right moment to see Bubba's tire headed for the infield with the knock off nut following close behind :lol:
couldn't happen to a nicer guy, IMHO. NASCAR is grasping at straws trying to rekindle their fan base. I find better excitement at the local dirt track these days.
I'm not liking the one lug nut, 18 inch tire, or the penalty. Go back to the 5 lug nuts and ditch the brakes, wheels, and transaxle.

Nascar now stands for National Association for Sports Car Auto Racing
I don't know why they went with this. Pit crews having to reverse their guns per side, I think I've seen 2 tires come off this year due to spindle nut tightening issue. You didn't see that much with the 5 lugs. I've watched more NASCAR this year than last 52 years combined....Son likes it so its a 'thing' now.
In the past the drivers could feel a loose wheel and get it fixed. Now I'm guessin' by the time they feel it loosen up, it's one corner from flyin' off.
The left hand drivers side threads SHOULD be an advantage to the pit crew as they DON'T have to remember to reverse the gun after leaving the passenger side !
NAPCAR?!!? Is that show still on? Drop the amount of nuts from 20 to 4, & throw lefty-tighty at 80 rednecks, watch caos ensue!!!
Hey, a wheel leaves an Indy car once in a while, right? Lol!
Yes, but don't tell the others what they've been missing .
I watched it. Don't know if Ross made any friends or not. Bowman getting hit by AJ and finishing second, hurt his feelings a little. AJ wasn't too kind either.
I don't know why they went with this. Pit crews having to reverse their guns per side, I think I've seen 2 tires come off this year due to spindle nut tightening issue. You didn't see that much with the 5 lugs. I've watched more NASCAR this year than last 52 years combined....Son likes it so its a 'thing' now.
They DON'T have to reverse the gun, exactly the oppo. When they finish tightening the 1st side, it's already set to remove the 2nd side...when they go over the wall, they only have to reverse the gun 2X, not 3X like B4, & they only have 2 each instead of the F*ck is that "complicated"? And I've watched NAPCAR wheels come off plenty of times w/5 lugs so spare the drama, it's simple, don't screw it up=wheels stay on.
The last lap was interesting. What AJ did was fine, he got inside and Ross tried to close the door, contact.

To me, what Ross did to AJ was total BS, just pushing a guy because he got the better of you. Basically bulldozed AJ out of the way and took out another (Bowman) in the process. Don't care if it's for the win, it's hack job driving.

I'm sure that was what AJ was talking about in his interview, re: bulldozing him.

Ol' Mike Skinner approach, "I'd wreck my mom for the win!" Yep hack... :)
I think it's stupid. That's all I got.
And...I'm out.
Sorry, but of all the things I can point to that makes this series unappealing, that would be low on the list. They lost Me when I was 14yrs old, as I watched 'em screw Ford over because the T-bird was kicking the crap out of the Monte Carlo's, never could be a fan since. Now the cars resemble nothing, rule-making, driving, & side-shows are all driven by buddy makin-back stabbin-soap opera politics. People making death threats to a driver because their hero killed himself blocking said driver(which I watched live), I just completely lost the stomach for it.
It seems the Hub-nut would be no biggie....
I'm glad You're sharing something with the Youngun, & I apologize if You feel that I pooped all over Your thread.
Ok, in yesterdays race Erik Jones (43) had a stuck wheel nut (right rear), the crew had a large breaker bar and was trying to move it in a clockwise direction (righty) and was unsuccessful. I had assumed the right side were right hand and the left side left just like our cars?

Sounds wrong.. If they were trying to loosen it turning it clockwise.. right tighty is still on the right passenger/nascar pit outboard side so opposite is probably true on the driver side (wheel turns CCW so the nut should tighten CCW) Fun fact there is a detent that pops out of the tip of the hub to keep nut on. If the tire guy pulls out before the threads pull the nut past this spring detent the nut can possibly unscrew past this safety feature due to inirtial (sp?) forces.
Yeah, that gun seems to be turning CCW to tighten than rear wheel? and 14 guys to do it. That is impressive.