Natasha the 68 Dart

Looks like you have been VERY busy! I must say that I am a little jealious seeing the 4 speed go into your dart as that is what I want to do with mine. Keep us the good work and be sure to keep posting LOTS of pics!


nothing like a sunday afternoon smelling solvents....

the sweet smell of progress :cheers:

i gave the floors a coat of epoxy primer and they look great

then i applied seam sealer to the 4 speed hump ...i used my fingers to apply it and made it nice and sloppy ....once it dries and shrinks back a little i will put another coat of epoxy over the seam sealer and it should look like a factory job duplicating a factory 4 speed car and i found on a lot of cars that the factory was not always so neat with the seam sealer.

the messiest car i ever had for seam sealer is a Canadian 72 dart and it looked like a seam sealer bomb exploded in there......all the way to the other extreme ...i had a 71 demon and half the car was missing sealer and the other half was very skimpy.....


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Wow.. i love your attention to detail. you dont do anything with less than 100% effort
got ahold of a 68 shifter handle to replace the incorrect pistol grip ....its rusty but its the best i can do for cheap ....i plan to sandblast it today and paint it silver for now .....maybe someday i will have it re-chromed but im on a budget now and beggers cant be choosers LOL

Thanks Mr. Keith (66340sedan) for trusting me....he sent me the shifter even though i have not paid him for it yet .......he knows this payday when i have the money, i will square up. :D


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Looking great young lady :thumbrig: You have dun a very VERY nice job on everything :cheers:
I like the radio delete job you did and I would have dun the same :thumbrig:
I have the same folding table I see in you picture, the one with your removed dash on Natasha's hood, Treva enjoys using it as much as I do
I have not moved forward on Victoria this year yet :toothy9: My friend with a shop just a couple miles away has the crud/flu :sad5:
But I will update my thread soon I hope, You have me going crazy wanting to do anything to my little 66 Sedan :blob::blob:
Be careful and keep up with your school work :sunny:
I agree, this is a very fun restoration thread and very informative..
Keep up the good work :happy1:
Keep up the good work Rani! I need to move faster on my Dart and get my MC in already.
Rani, with that shifter that keith so kindly sent you, try rubbing it firmly with coarse steel wool. Then medium, then fine. Then to the buffing wheel with some polish. You may get lucky. I polished piece in similar condition in a similar fashion and it came out great.
No update in a long time ...i did end up getting the dash finished with a temporary bezel borrowed from my cousin's cuda ......i still need to finish sanding mine ....

with the temp bezel i got it back on the road and have been using the car so far ....only transportation lol

this last weekend i got a PM and buyer for the trim ....i had it for sale in a for sale thread here.

i pulled all the chrome off only to find old body work that was done on the drivers fender was only primered under the trim and starting to break down.....i was amazed at how much dirt gets trapped behind the moulding

what a job to get the moulding off ....if you want to save the clips the you need to get behind them and push them out i had take the back seat out and all the door panels ....what a job to crawl around in there to get all the moulding clips pushed out in one piece

so its welder time today to get these holes filled in ......

she is getting closer and closer to a paint job and GTS stripe this summer.


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might push me into re-paint faster than i thought .....definatlely found some old body work on the driver fender ....low spot where the rust spot was under the trim and high spot around the lip that i never noticed before.

this is why you never trust body shops unless you know them or its your own.


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i found a method that is really going to work with filling the holes

at first i looked into nails but one had a head too small and one was too big ...could not find the right size i was worried about welding on galvenized stuff, i know you are not supposed to do that.

then i remembered that my cousin gave me a piece of carbon for this purpose.....a strange item that i have no idea where he got it from ....he wont tell me either :sad5:

so i tried with the carbon and the first hole was kinda choppy ...i had the welder set on low bcoz i was scared to give it some power.

then i set the welder heat higher to C setting ...this is a 110 V and on C setting the plug weld layed down flatter.

after grinding and more sanding it looks like nothing was there left a slight low spot on three holes so far on the driver fender ...i started with the driver fender bcoz i know it needs body work.

so far so good except it was time consuming hole took 20 mins start to finish ........took a lot of patience to keep the heat down i found a method that is going to work but i can see that i am going to be here for a while. :toothy9:


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got the driver side all done this afternoon .....left a bit of a low spot after grinding on each one but hammer and dolly or nail gun to the fix on that .....did not help that its right on a body line.

the process went faster once i got a method going ...i found that i didnt need the carbon on the back.....

all i did was put the wire across the hole and spark it and made crosshairs with the wire from the welder and then filled it in slowly the red from the heat went away i would spark it again untill completely filled in.


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without the carbon or a backing it filled in pretty complete is the front and back of one of the holes on the quarter where i could see in the trunk ...all the others look similar glad im doing this with all the door panels off so i could see in there and plus when i was doing the quarter at one point i smelled smoke and a piece of seam sealer was on fire you want to do this with door panels off.


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Great work!! Love a 68 Dart. It's nice to see younger people deep into Mopars. Keep up the posts, I'm hooked now. Thanks a lot, more time on the computer. LOL!
Soo much work. That thing will be sweet when she's finished!
Nice work. Guess you are using argon/C02.

absolutely ....i have a lincoln 110v welder with the bottle ....i love it ...i got it as a Cristmas gift from my adoptive family a few years ago .....before that i had a Century welder but the century didnt have a plug in for the gas so i had to use flux core only and the flux core wire was thicker and harder to work with and splattered and made more mess to grind than this set up.
Thank you. Flux core,bodywork/trim hole filling= frustration ,and possible failure. Thanks for the response.
i should have know this was going to happen ....its not worth my time anymore to try and match old paint and and try to make the car look decent anymore im done trying to buff and match and make old paint look good.

so its over.
what i mean by its over is this car is not leaving the shop again without a new coat of paint.

this car is officially under construction for new paint ....and im changing the color

i guess no time like the present


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