Need help. I seriously need professional help.



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
Need help. I bougt a fan mower from Australia, it is running backwards because of its the Northern hemisphere how do I make it run the right way?
Hmmm. I was actually thinking of getting a alternater there to run it positive ground. What ya think?
The belt might have to run on its backside.

B does not work well.
Need help. I bougt a fan mower from Australia, it is running backwards because of its the Northern hemisphere how do I make it run the right way?
Funny you should say that I got me an Australian made toilet and it flushes backwards. :BangHead:
None of that stuff will work. You have to go to the southern hemisphere and it will be turning right. Ask @Bewy. His toilet goes backwards.
actually, i have the answer right here for you
and...i have it from real life experience

I musta been 16 at the time, 17 tops and my main means of getting around was a two stroke 80CC dirtbike
for whatever reason I decided to do a tune up
new plug, new wire, and why points
in order to get to the points I had to pull the fly wheel off
so I did, and wouldn't you know it, I lost the index key

no problem, ill just eyeball it
got it back on just fine

gave it one good kick and she fired right up
so I grabbed my helmet (it was getting close to beer o'clock) and hopped on
I gave her a big twist of the throttle, kicked her in gear, let out the clutch....and over the handle bars I went
apparently, I got the flywheel off just far enough that the timing was so far advance that then engine was now running in reverse

so, all you need to do is advance the timing on your mower far enough to run her in reverse, and all is well
If you want it to rotate correctly, take a tip from Cal Worthington, just stand upon your head till your ears are turning red! (goseecal, goseecal, goseecal!)
You could wire it backwards then install a generator from a Model A Ford as I believe they were Positive ground. But first we need more info. If it spins backwards, the hover part wont hover? If it doesn't hover, but does cut then your grass will be way too short. Or the blade spins the wrong direction? Then it hovers but your grass will get stretched and stand up nice and tall like raking old shag carpeting. Maybe the seller of the fan also has reversed blades for sale?
Another option, based on facts I heard on the Internet (can't argue, only true facts can be posted), that the poles are shifting and reversing. It is just a matter of time before you will have switch it back to reversed rotation so make sure the fix is temporary.
Hoppy, maybe using the same concepts here will help sort it out.
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