need help quick with this plug



Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, TN
how do i get this plug loos from the dash panel. pull twist etc. etc. im stuck! help help help:clock:

_Device Memory_home_user_pictures_IMG00441.jpg
also, the plastic circit board seems to want to move when i pull on it. how much is too much
spray it with a little wd-40 and BE CAREFUL pulling on it or the pins may break. They are just flanged on there and they are copper to copper so they pull out relatively easily, especially if the plug is stuck. A little wiggle may do the trick too, but hit it with a little slipum first and it should come off without a fight!!! Gently my friend, gently!!! Geof

Also, the center pin of the plug has a tang that only goes onto the pins one way!!!
RIGHT RIGHT. OK GOT IT. here i go............. ill let you all know in a few. thanks for the help!!
OK got it, but need one more thing. i cant take the plastic face off due to the wiper/washer switch is holding it together. how does it come off. ??
uses a small alen wrench to remove the knob, turn the switch till its visible or look around the switch knob till you find it
NO ALLEN WRENCH HOLE VISIBLE. IT HAD NO SET SCREW. it is a push for wash. turn 3 times for wipers 72 dodge swinger. regular dash.
ok, I GOT IT its is a small 'C' clip that is down around the shaft. then the set nut screws down around the shaft. after the knob is pulled off. ok. thanks guys for all the help. :)
The wiper knob is pressed on and held on by age. It should be able to be pulled off, but occassionally need a little heat to get them off. Just dance a mini torch over the knob a couple of times and it should pull off. Geof