Need help to save my Father-in-laws car



Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Athens, Ohio
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Guys, I realize that I don't post much and probably contribute even less but I could use some help with something. I know it's a Buick but it really has special meaning to me. My Father-in-law, J. Carsey passed away unexpectedly yesterday after a long and painful battle with a rare blood disorder in case anyone wondered. He had taken some poor advise from an insurance broker and purchased life insurance that had a full maturity time of three years. Unfortunately three years would have come to pass in June. As a result the insurance payment they received is much less than the cost of the funeral and bills that my Mother-in-law, D. Carsey will be responsible for in the near future. Now onto the meat and meaning of the title.

J. had one material item in his possession that truly meant a lot to him and to us by association. His 1971 Buick Skylark. We bonded over this car. I helped him find and buy parts,we rebuilt the engine and basically did faily low-budget restore. It's not a rare car or anything even super fancy. But it was his and that was enough. Unfortunately, due to the crappy insurance discussed above, his wife D. will be forced to sell the car for funerary and related expenses and bills that will come due before her survivor benefits from his Social Security will take effect.

My request for assistance is to be able to purchase the Skylark from D., My Mother-in-law, to ensure that it stays in our family and can be taken in memorium to shows and cruise-ins. Any funds raised in addition to the purchase price will be directly given to her. Unfortunately, I find myself unable to purchase it on my own as my job simply doesn't allow the spare income with 3 children and a wife to support as well. My name is on the Gofundme, but as soon as I can set up an email for her she will be the only one who can withdraw the money. My interest is simply preserving the vehicle in our family and being able to insure that she gets a fair price for it.


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I wish I could give you a note of confidence on the GOFUNDME. I did donate. I noticed you did not. When I opened the GOFUNDME for Tom and Dee, I was the first to donate to kick start the process. And there is a lot of history for Tom and his family on this board. So with the exception of a donation from one of my sisters, the majority came from the good members here. Perhaps the timing is also a bit bad for you, as I know many here are tapped out for causes like this. Plus save a CAR? Yeah it means a lot to you, and I can feel your pain, but we do what we must do. Now that SKylark looks pretty clean. Is it all original numbers matching? If yes then Haggerty places a pretty high value on it for insurance purposes. There is always credit cards to cover short term debt. Can you swing a loan like a second on your house to help your MIL? I wish I could be more positive about the GOFUNDME, but only car people will see the appeal.

I see you smoke. If that's a one pack a day habit, there's about 2K a year right there. Jes sayin.
i would simply go to your bank, and see I f you can't get a loan to buy the car, I well understand a funeral can cost large sums, and the car no doubt does not have that value anyway. one reason I told the kids, to cremate me and spread my ashes across the horse pasture.

I agree with RRR on the smokes.
Sounds like a noble cause. I don't think you will get too many takers, times are hard for many persons. Thank You to the persons that donated, big time.

As for the comment on smokes, so what? It was his choice, and what bad habits do you have? I don't believe it is relevant.

Matthew 5:42 - Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

I see many like to add bible quotes, it is a great idea! makes one look at themselves!
i would simply go to your bank, and see I f you can't get a loan to buy the car, I well understand a funeral can cost large sums, and the car no doubt does not have that value anyway. one reason I told the kids, to cremate me and spread my ashes across the horse pasture.

I agree with RRR on the smokes.

Good point on smokes and I would ask if you already own a plot for your FIL. If not then your MIL is taking on huge debt.

We buried my mom. Her wishes and her estate paid for it. My dad we cremated and scattered his ashes on a hill. His wishes. Did your FIL offer what he wanted done with his remains?

FYI Tom was able to have Dee cremated for a little over $1100. Sometimes we have to concern ourselves with those that carry on, as opposed to those that have passed.

Sounds like a noble cause. I don't think you will get too many takers, times are hard for many persons. Thank You to the persons that donated, big time.

As for the comment on smokes, so what? It was his choice, and what bad habits do you have? I don't believe it is relevant.

Matthew 5:42 - Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

I see many like to add bible quotes, it is a great idea! makes one look at themselves!

The Son in law is who is pictured. Don't think RRR was passing judgement but offering that when something is important to a person they should be willing to make sacrifices to maintain that which is important. Quitting smoking is not likely going to make a huge difference of course, but I get what RRR is saying.

As far as your quote? Very good. Need is need and it matters not how that need is presented.

We have a family member that like clockwork asks for money. Of late the requests have been in the form of unsecured loans. Not one dime has been repaid, so for us it is a gift regardless of the wrapping it is tendered under.

I see you smoke. If that's a one pack a day habit, there's about 2K a year right there. Jes sayin.

I don't smoke, that was actually my FIL. He quit as well a couple years ago.

Unfortunately, I am not able to get a second mortgage or even a loan at the moment. I know it's just a car, but it's also the only thing of any real value that he owned. They were fairly low income before he was forced to retire and when she was forced to retire as well (to care for him and her own health problems) it became worse. If I had any other way to try and give her the money I would. As far as being the first to donate, believe me I want to, but I am also buying the flowers for the funeral, helping with the burial plot and driving her around to take care of final preparations. I'm tapped out until Tomorrow.
The Son in law is who is pictured. Don't think RRR was passing judgement but offering that when something is important to a person they should be willing to make sacrifices to maintain that which is important. Quitting smoking is not likely going to make a huge difference of course, but I get what RRR is saying.

As far as your quote? Very good. Need is need and it matters not how that need is presented.

We have a family member that like clockwork asks for money. Of late the requests have been in the form of unsecured loans. Not one dime has been repaid, so for us it is a gift regardless of the wrapping it is tendered under.


I'm not actually pictured. I was taking the pictures. And no, unfortunately, as many people put off, they didn't actually have a plot payed for. We were able to get his for the funeral, but to be able to secure his wife's plot next to him we have to come up with the money in thirty days. Believe me, I know times are tough. My work week is a minimum of 72 hours each week to just get by as I am.
Any chance he did any military time? There are benefits even if he did a short time. I can send you a link.
Black Bishop,

Sorry for the wrong assumptions we made. Sounds like your only option is to sell the car. Just hope you get enough. Seems GOFUNDME is getting too common. People use to try to get money for even trips it seems.

Prayers sent, and something to help your Mother-In-Law. Your goal is noble as far as I'm concerned. Each individual is his own guide as to whom is deserving. Thank you for coming forth with more details as the effort calls for.
Thanks Goldfish, I know it seems petty to try and save a car, and if people think so that's fine, but it means a lot to us and if I had any other available avenue, I would have used it.
Black Bishop,

Sorry for the wrong assumptions we made. Sounds like your only option is to sell the car. Just hope you get enough. Seems GOFUNDME is getting too common. People use to try to get money for even trips it seems.


I understand. I see these things for much less notable causes. vacations, games, heck even to buy a pizza. This is why I shared it on the only car site I am still active on. is no more, v8buick went through a purge and revamp and I no longer even show as a member there. I just thought that with everyone here being car guys, there might be a chance of saving it. I'm going to leave it up for a while to see if a miracle happens. Either way, his widow will be the only one who benefits from it.
Sounds like a noble cause. I don't think you will get too many takers, times are hard for many persons. Thank You to the persons that donated, big time.

As for the comment on smokes, so what? It was his choice, and what bad habits do you have? I don't believe it is relevant.

Matthew 5:42 - Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

I see many like to add bible quotes, it is a great idea! makes one look at themselves!

I knew somebody would take it wrongly. I was simply pointing out WHERE he might could cut some corners for some extra money. 2K or so a year isn't chump change.
I knew somebody would take it wrongly. I was simply pointing out WHERE he might could cut some corners for some extra money. 2K or so a year isn't chump change.

Which is why he quit, as did I long ago. That isn't me in the pictures. That is my FIL Jeff and my MIL Delilah.
Sorry for your loss- too bad the insurance didn't pay up but it may have been his only affordable option to purchase with a three year maturity considering his rare blood condition. Final expenses for medical and funeral costs can be overwhelming; we went through it with my folks not long ago.

Is there any other family that can help out as that's what we had to do with my parents? Hopefully the funeral home will receive lots of donations in lieu of flowers to help offset the final expenses.
Unfortunately, the rest of the family is a non-starter as most of them are unemployed or disabled as well. There are some donation coming in to the funeral home. I wont be able to check how much until tomorrow. I'm sure the three year was the most affordable but it really sucks still.
Which is why he quit, as did I long ago. That isn't me in the pictures. That is my FIL Jeff and my MIL Delilah.

I gotchya. Well, we don't have anything right this minute, but I will try to send a little somethin next week if the budget allows. That's a cool car with a lot of meaning. I would hate to lose it too.

That said, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
I gotchya. Well, we don't have anything right this minute, but I will try to send a little somethin next week if the budget allows. That's a cool car with a lot of meaning. I would hate to lose it too.

That said, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I appreciate it man. Sometimes you do have to be the one to bite the turd sandwich.
Well, maybe think of this another way. If you sell the car, you will likely not get what it is worth. Some prick will always take advantage of you when you are down. So.......put the car on blocks. Drop the insurance. If it's not costing you anything, it ain't eatin.

Put yourself in the position to have to do what you would without the car. Don't even act like you own it. Seriously, how much do you think you will get? It's not like it will solve all of your financial problems. That money will be gone before you know it. You will have nothing to show for your memory.

Just trying to help you think outside the box. If it is that important to you, and it sounds like it is, maybe try something different. Sometimes the most obvious isn't the solution.
Think on it and pray on it.
Well, maybe think of this another way. If you sell the car, you will likely not get what it is worth. Some prick will always take advantage of you when you are down. So.......put the car on blocks. Drop the insurance. If it's not costing you anything, it ain't eatin.

Put yourself in the position to have to do what you would without the car. Don't even act like you own it. Seriously, how much do you think you will get? It's not like it will solve all of your financial problems. That money will be gone before you know it. You will have nothing to show for your memory.

Just trying to help you think outside the box. If it is that important to you, and it sounds like it is, maybe try something different. Sometimes the most obvious isn't the solution.
Think on it and pray on it.

I agree with RRR advice. I can give a small donation next week after I get 4-5 things out of the way> if enough people give just a little it can help so much...... there are so many deserving people out there with bad situations........

neighbor down the road just spent 3 months in intensive care with a hole in his heart.... finally strong enough for operation, back home running ( he can barely walk).... his ranch with the help of his son and help.......

my take on smoking is not good just for the r ecord. it would take too much to tell why... glad you don't waste your $$ and life on it.
Thanks Goldfish, I know it seems petty to try and save a car, and if people think so that's fine, but it means a lot to us and if I had any other available avenue, I would have used it.

Not petty at all. It's an attachment to a life you loved and keeping it around and showing it is wanting to memorialize your father-in-law. It's a way of introducing him to people who never met him. That's something we all struggle with - those of us who have lost loved ones. What do you keep? What do you toss? What's meaningful and what's not?