Need members opinion



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2005
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I have a 71 Challenger for years now. I always wanted to retore it. But its looking like I may need to sell it. I got it from the second owner. It is gold with a painted white top and white bucket seats console with the T handle automatic. Nothing special 318, 904 8 3/4
has a hole in the trunk and bottom of quarters are rusted from water getting in the rest is good shape. This car has never seen snow because it is an export model and currently located on the Island of Puerto Rico. The sun has destroyed the door panels and the dash pad is cracked. Has tinted glass but no factory air. What is strange it has factory air vents in the dash but has aftermarket air. Now the big question how much is it worth? I know I know most members are not going out of their way for this car. Please give me your honest opinion.
I'm not an expert on current E-body pricing, but it being a 71 model is a big plus. I'm going to assume that it does not have a rallye dash, no suregrip and needs a total resto, and guesstimate it's value at around $5000.00. E-bodies hold their value, even 318 cars, and if it were in the states I can see it going for at least that much. Of course this is only a guess, and without pictures it is not a very educated guess, but I don't think it's very far off!!! Good luck with the sale, if you end up needing to sell it. Geof
thanks for the input cos! I have pictures somewhere got to look for them.
Im real new at all of this but from what you say the state its in...and what i payed for mine..Dart...i would agree with 5....maybe a bit more...Like i said NO Expert........JMO
How is the front grille? Those can be worth alot of money if they are not broken, very hard to find item for that year car.
The biggest issue is that it would need to be shipped at the buyers expense?if so that would cut down the amount of interested parties and probably the price.
since Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory , I don't think there'd be any "Import Duties" ; that it'd be similar to shipping a car from Hawa'ii .
Maybe true but I am sure there is some paperwork involved and from my experience with buyers is that will cut the # of potential buyers way down.Ask the guys from Canada how many sellers gripe about filling out those simple forms and just don't want to deal with it?I am not trying knock anyone,just giving my 2 cents is all.I had a b5 blue 71 Challenger a few years ago and I am looking at purchasing a 70 right now.
Kind of a tough drive from P.R. to Florida hahaha. ;)

How did the car end up there?

I would say $3,000. to $4,000. if the car was in the lower 48.

And of course,
I know I know everybody wants pictures. I need to scan them. I'll try to answer questions.
How did it get there? Mopars are sold new for years there. Just like here. The grill is in very good shape except someone tried to steal the stainless trim and bent it. I found it and it needs straighted. And if someone from up here wants it they would have to wait until this summer. I have to work like everybody else. And they would have to flat bed it to San Juan to put it aboard ship for the states.
I have a 71 Challenger for years now. I always wanted to retore it. But its looking like I may need to sell it. I got it from the second owner. It is gold with a painted white top and white bucket seats console with the T handle automatic. Nothing special 318, 904 8 3/4
has a hole in the trunk and bottom of quarters are rusted from water getting in the rest is good shape. This car has never seen snow because it is an export model and currently located on the Island of Puerto Rico. The sun has destroyed the door panels and the dash pad is cracked. Has tinted glass but no factory air. What is strange it has factory air vents in the dash but has aftermarket air. Now the big question how much is it worth? I know I know most members are not going out of their way for this car. Please give me your honest opinion.

You should join up over on FEBO.