Need Prayers for "Dodger"

Great to hear lil Dodger is doing better.....Sounds like it was quite the scare :cry:

Give him a pat on his head and whisper a couple of encouraging thoughts in his ear from ME ..... ;-) :thumbup:
Poor little guy.

What was the cause?

I'm going through a shotgun diagnoses for one of my cats- Skittles, for vomiting after eating and bloody stool. Other than that he's happy and normal.
Well if I know dogs as well as I do and trust me I do and have been in your shoes. Thoughts and prayers are eith you and your pups. Having a pittbull who is the best little girl, hopefully some of that resilient toughness will help dodger get through these rough times.
well they put 250 ml's of pit bull blood back in him so at 5.5 lbs I'd say he's half pit bull and half miniature schnouser lol

Does he have more "fight" in him with the pitt bull blood???

Just found this thread and hope he is pulling through ok. Let me know if I can do anything for you and Dodger. I wouldn't want to see you loose your chick magnet/wing man....

If he was a schit-zu, and with the pitt bull blood, you could say he is a little "Bull Schit"....
Dodger has fully recovered, I just wan't to thank all of ya'll for those prayers and well wishes for the Lil' Guy..had me scared and I'm really blessed to have him and you guys, heres a few pic's of him recovering on the couch and then a pic of him supervising me out in the shop last night


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He looks smaller than the starter for that engine! Ha! Glad he's better man take care.
Glad to hear that Dodger is ok.I couldn"t wait to get home tonight after a week in hospital to hug my 15 year old golden retriever. Family and friends got to visit me he only got to look for me. Stopped by McDONALDS and got him a sack of burgers on the way home.He will sleep beside my bed tonight.I love my side kick also. Sandy
Glad to see that Dodger is ok.

He's lookin good in the pics.
Thank's Karl, He's in good spirits and seems to be ok i have to take him back in two weeks for a Lil' checkup
Glad to hear Dodger's good to go. Did they ever find out what caused the issue?
Hook Worms, i had given him meds for worms when he was but it was for the other worms, he'll be gitting regular checkups along with the cat, they said there is nothing I do with the yard to help so just gets meds
Glad to hear Dodger's good to go. Did they ever find out what caused the issue?
Hook Worms, i had given him meds for worms when he was but it was for the other worms, he'll be gitting regular checkups along with the cat, they said there is nothing I do with the yard to help so just gets meds

Ah, I see. Bummer....