need salt substitute....



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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I got high blood pressure but I just gotta have my salt on everything,can't get enuff! Tried a few different substitutes,they were bloody awful.Anyone out there got some good suggestions?
I have heard Also Salt is good. We use No Salt now and it sucks hind tit. I am looking for Also Salt to try it.
It will get easier for you as time passes, too. You'll get used to things being less salty.

Good on ya for working on it. God knows we can't die off and leave all the Chevy cretins behind.
Try using pepper instead of salt.....plenty of flavor. I only use salt now on french fries or corn.
You probably know this already Dave but a lot of packaged foods from the supermarket such as frozen vegetables contain a lot of sodium yet they don't even taste salty. If you stop eating those foods you won't crave salt as much and with less sodium intake you can add salt in moderation to certain foods you enjoy that need salt to taste good...
The processed foods that we eat as Americans are loaded with sodium. At my house now, we eat fresh vegetables rather than the canned crap. I was addicted to salt for many years and I broke that addiction by using the salt substitutes with some real salt mixed in. I slowly diminished the amout of real salt until I was only using the substitute, and then I dropped it also. Americans seem to want instant gratifacation and instant results, we didn't get to where we are overnight and the fix will not be an overnight thing either. I'm on the other side of sixty years old and haven't taken blood pressure meds in over 25 years. I don't advocate anyone quitting something cold turkey, get with your physician and get a plan together...Rant over....

Bill S.
salt is like a drug you gotta ween yourself off of it .i use to put that much salt on you would think i was puttin it down for the winter. now i weened myself down to high normal amounts im tryin to get down to low levels it just takes time i also changed to sea salt it has better taste and less craveings
You will also notice that once you reduce your level of salt intake ... you will retain less water and wont feel bloated/fat ... A 2nd reason to drop the habit...
Pepper is a antioxidant and good for you. Put pepper in both shakers evn if one is white pepper. That way you dont have to kick a habit of shaking something. LOL
Mrs. Dash is a great substitute but nothing will replace that salty taste you crave,there are many different flavors of mrs. Dash you can choose from and remember if you do use salt I agree sea salt is healthier and just try some moderation ,instead of 4 shakes just do 1 . good luck with your BP These are all JMO's and please do not believe anything I have said until you have experimented LOL
............I use no salt also, but i've heard that mrs. dash is pretty

I tried Mrs.Dash a while ago and thought it was terrible.I also tried cold turkey for 1 week and it just about killed me,everything seemed to taste like cardboard.
You probably know this already Dave but a lot of packaged foods from the supermarket such as frozen vegetables contain a lot of sodium yet they don't even taste salty. If you stop eating those foods you won't crave salt as much and with less sodium intake you can add salt in moderation to certain foods you enjoy that need salt to taste good...

That is a problem Goldie,when a lot of the things you eat already have a high salt content.I realize eating smarter will help quite a bit.Thx bud.
I have heard Also Salt is good. We use No Salt now and it sucks hind tit. I am looking for Also Salt to try it.

I looked at the website and it sounds good but then what do you expect them to say.I might give it a try although I would rather find it in a store instead of buying it online. Thanks SS.
Try using pepper instead of salt.....plenty of flavor. I only use salt now on french fries or corn.

I don't mind pepper too much but it is not salt ,not even close.Unfortunately I seem to want salt on so many things it is hard to avoid. Potatos,beef,pork,pasta,eggs,etc,etc....... Thanks C!
Sea salt is a lot better for you. About 5 years ago I changed over to it. I do take bp meds but my bp is good now.

What makes it better? Does it taste the same? I 'm game for something that tastes the same but doesn't have the sodium. Thx bama.
i use to put that much salt on you would think i was puttin it down for the winter.

that was me, too- I quit when I found out I had high blood pressure.
Simply stopped putting salt on everything (except chicken sandwiches- they need salt. And scrambled eggs need seasoned salt:D).

I use a lot more pepper now.
What makes it better? Does it taste the same? I 'm game for something that tastes the same but doesn't have the sodium. Thx bama.

Sea salt has trace minerals that are good for you. However as for it's effect on your blood pressure it is the exactly the same as table salt, according to my doctor.
As my mother used to say "everything in moderation". My brother had been on the no salt kick, even though his BP wasn't high. A year ago he wound up in the hospital (unrealted illness) and they found his sodium levels were so low they had to pump it into him. The body needs sodium for the nerve synapses to work properly. Without it your "electrical system" will not function - and your body will not run ......
As my mother used to say "everything in moderation". My brother had been on the no salt kick, even though his BP wasn't high. A year ago he wound up in the hospital (unrealted illness) and they found his sodium levels were so low they had to pump it into him. The body needs sodium for the nerve synapses to work properly. Without it your "electrical system" will not function - and your body will not run ......
Moderation is indeed the key, to everything you consume.