Need to Apologize

No offense taken and no apology needed. You're a good guy, Ink. Send some meds up here to my ex gf. She's bi-polar too. Crazy spun bee-yotch (but great in the sack, lol ). Her moods would swing light flicking a light switch. Didn't know what I was coming home to most nights. Been living alone for years now. I just got the 2 cats back from her a few months ago. She's been off her meds for awhile now. Such is life.

Ink, dude, the only one that was offended was a guy posting nude pictures of his girl. Hell, if I had a girl like that I wouldn't have had time to take pictures so just wondering what his problem is. We all have bad days and say or do things that in hindsight didn't go exactly as we expected, but that's life.

I don't say much on here, just trying to soak up knowledge and some amusement from time to time. You're a good guy in my book so don't beat yourself up about those threads.
If you can't use this place to blow off once in a while, where else could you go. I thought every body here had several mental ailments, that is we all love or own Mopars. No need to say anymore. There is no need for a apology:bootysha:
Hmmmmmmmmm, nice. It's the OP's response to a visitor comment on his profile:

Yeah, it was fun and I'm glad you could share in on the good time. I pissed off two people, sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they're respected. By the looks of the PMs I've gotten since, inkjunkie is generally disliked and the consensus on CudaChick is that she likes to jocky for stature and attention on FABO and it's common practice to call her dirty names behind her back.

I'm hurt. :-(
Leanna, don't allow those ridiculous babblings to hurt your feelings. Obviously the guy is....lacking.

He shows his butt again with his comment about Doug (inkjunkie.)
CARE BEARS.....Fkin BARNEY!!!...... we are gettin kinda close to mambypambyland!!!

I have some graham crackers and marshmallows and Hershey bars.... SMORES!!! OH BOY!!

WOO HE LOW ....WOOOOO SAAAAA I have "hello Kitty" bandaids for boo boo's

I've had mental ailments as well and been put on Celexa. Screw that, we're all ourselves and need to be that! You're fine man, don't sweat it.
Hmmmmmmmmm, nice. It's the OP's response to a visitor comment on his profile:
Yeah, it was fun and I'm glad you could share in on the good time. I pissed off two people, sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they're respected. By the looks of the PMs I've gotten since, inkjunkie is generally disliked and the consensus on CudaChick is that she likes to jocky for stature and attention on FABO and it's common practice to call her dirty names behind her back.
I'm hurt. :-(
Cool, I am "generally disliked"......wish I knew how to create a poll, cuz I would start one about this......
CARE BEARS.....Fkin BARNEY!!!...... we are gettin kinda close to mambypambyland!!!

I have some graham crackers and marshmallows and Hershey bars.... SMORES!!! OH BOY!!

WOO HE LOW ....WOOOOO SAAAAA I have "hello Kitty" bandaids for boo boo's

For some reason I can not help but think of that car insurance commercial.....think it is Gieco....
Thanks for trying guys, but I still feel like I got gut kicked. I know I shouldn't let this bother me but it does ... I guess I care too much.

Maybe it's time to step back, take a little break and reevaluate.
Hmmmmmmmmm, nice. It's the OP's response to a visitor comment on his profile:
Yeah, it was fun and I'm glad you could share in on the good time. I pissed off two people, sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they're respected. By the looks of the PMs I've gotten since, inkjunkie is generally disliked and the consensus on CudaChick is that she likes to jocky for stature and attention on FABO and it's common practice to call her dirty names behind her back.
I'm hurt. :-(

Hmmm. I never saw that. Wonder why?:toothy10:

Leanne, You've been a stand up person on this board since the day I joined and before. Respect is earned and this manipulative cretin has earned none.
Thanks for trying guys, but I still feel like I got gut kicked. I know I shouldn't let this bother me but it does ... I guess I care too much.

Maybe it's time to step back, take a little break and reevaluate.

UUUMMMM how about we go with NO!

You aren't going anywhere and anyone that wants to start **** with you will have to deal with pretty much everyone on the site.
Thanks for trying guys, but I still feel like I got gut kicked. I know I shouldn't let this bother me but it does ... I guess I care too much.

Maybe it's time to step back, take a little break and reevaluate.

Why? Sorry, but there's very little credibility considering the source, in my opinion.
Thanks for trying guys, but I still feel like I got gut kicked. I know I shouldn't let this bother me but it does ... I guess I care too much.

Maybe it's time to step back, take a little break and reevaluate.

This is not the time to give in. I thought, (hoped) your comment about being hurt was just a little sarcasm, but clearly it's bothering you

This place would not be the same without you

This place would not be the same without inkjunkie

This place would not be the same without about 99.99% of the people who belong.

Joeychgo, Waggin, Smallblock, etc. I'm pleading with you. Evaluate the individual who has brought us here and do what's right. I chose the ignore button and it's working well.
To be honest I don't even remember who the new punkass fish that started all this crap is! All I remember is that he is from North Carolina (my least favorite state), he thought it was a good idea to post pics of is girl with no clothes on somewhere other than the blue room and he gets his strawberry shortcake panties in a bunch when people on the internet tell him their honest opinion. So you know what Red???? **** HIM!