Need to get a smart phone. What's good?



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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I need to get rid of my dumb phone and get a smart phone so I can do credit/ debit transactions on the tool truck. What do you have that works good? tmm
what service? i have a galaxy s and dont really like it, my 2.5 cents
I'm lovin my LG Optimus.

Better GPS than the last 2 dedicated GPS units I've bought.
Better MP3 player than the last 2 dedicated MP3 players I've bought.
I've had people that own $1000 dollar cameras complement the pic quality of the camera.

...and I'm REALLY lovin the Virgin Mobile $30 per month!

Only 300 phone minutes (I don't come close) but unlimited data and text.

My wife has the same phone ad uses it to accept credit cards via the Intuit 1/8" card reader.
I am on my third I-phone3 in four years.
I carry the phone in my pocket not abused.
In my opinon reliabilty on them suck.
The first one died from the aggravation of having to charge it, the connector wore out after about 2 years.
The second one died after 1.5 years and refused to come back to life after being left in my jeep while camping and the battery went dead.
The third one I have had for about 6 months. I really forsee having to get a new phone in about a year considering their track record.
The next one will not be apple junk, I really think they designed the battery so it dies in about 1.5 to 2 years so you will re-new your contract.
I like the Galaxy S3, Anything from Apple I've always had problems with.
Love my iPhone. 4th one and only because I upgrade. Never had problems. Switched to android between 3 and 4 and gave it up after 3 days to go back to iPhone. AT&T
My carrier is US Cellular. They have mostly Samsung and a few Motorola phones and thanks for the info about the card readers. I'll continue studying. tmm
S-A-M-S-U-N-G ..... G-A-L-A-X-Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry iphone users, apple is all hype. android is much better ...
HTC One X, Best Android for the money at $99.0. The Samsung Galaxy SIII is awesome as well but @ $199.00 I don't think it's a $100 better than the HTC. Both have fast, dual core processors & both have separate processors for the cameras that doesn't slow down other phone functions while you use the camera or playback video or stills. The Samsung galaxy SIII also allows for video playback while using other functions, it will resize the video to share the screen with whatever else youre doing, very cool. both the androids I listed are LTE 4G which are the fastest currently avail & only the apple iPhone 5 has LTE, the 4S & earlier for some reason didn't go that route & are noticeable slower on data. I love Android & am definitely biased towards them but I also have an iPhone 4s as my work phone & I'm sure it's awesome especially if you like iPhones, but after only using Android for 3 generations, it's not very intuitive & the screen is small. However, if you can live with an iPhone 4 (not 4s) AT&T currently has refurbs for $0.99. Refurbs hold the same warranty as new and if i were an iPhone fan I would say that deal is incredibly attractive. I've been in Telecom for 10 years, so I'm very familiar with the lineups, but that being said it's still just my own opinion.
on my 2nd iPhone 1st version and now 4. Will get the 5 next year. My youngest son has the 4s and uses a card reader to conduct credit card transactions at his business.
Both Samsung and Moto make good phones. When I get a new one it will be android so I can easily install applications to interface with automotive devices via bluetooth. There are bluetooth OBD2 interfaces, and my ignition system will interface with bluetooth. iPhones are difficult to interface with, unless you want to pay $$$ every time, for cables rights and applications. The android OS is open, and is gaining market share. Free development tools are available to write applications. There also is a huge offering of free and inexpensive android applications. They are written in a way to run on many mobile devices including tablets.
I have an I phone now I will NOT be getting another one . Great for surfing the web,I pod, etc. But as a phone it sucks . Tired of hearing folks on the other end saying " are you there hello,hello" a friend was showing me his 4s same thing . I might try the Samsung galaxy my nerd friends rave about it.
Both Samsung and Moto make good phones. When I get a new one it will be android so I can easily install applications to interface with automotive devices via bluetooth. There are bluetooth OBD2 interfaces, and my ignition system will interface with bluetooth. iPhones are difficult to interface with, unless you want to pay $$$ every time, for cables rights and applications. The android OS is open, and is gaining market share. Free development tools are available to write applications. There also is a huge offering of free and inexpensive android applications. They are written in a way to run on many mobile devices including tablets.

Customer just showed me his V Gate scan tool on his smart phone. Pretty cool for $20 and a $5 app. tmm
My oldest son just recommended a Samsung Galaxy SIII. Very well rated.
I love my iPhone, it is the only phone I have ever had that I have not had to have repaired or warrentied.
iPhone by far. I've had two Androids. Yes they are cool phones. Do a lot of different things. But the reliability sucked. The phone would lock up on me at least twice a day, and had to pull the battery to get the damn thing to work again. My iPhone 4S I've had for almost a year now and love it. No issues whatsoever. Wouldn't trade it for any other phone out there, except for another iPhone. My manager has had the same iPhone for four years and it's still going strong.
Well I looked up my charge card statement and I could save $15 by using a Square and a smart phone. Last month was a slow month so I estimate saving around $20+/month over manual transactions. That would pretty much pay for my data plan on my cell phone bill which is $25 for 2 GB.