Needing Expert Advice!

Just buy a rustang. Problem solved.
yes the 4" offset is to much. You will need to cut one side down, have the axle cut and resplined and probably but new wheels
I saw your short lived thread in general referring to me as a really vulgar name. Sorry for my reply here. It was a joke meant to make you and others laugh. While you are correct, any of us can be one thing you called me, I am NOT stupid. It was a joke. Nothing more. I apologize. I was assuming you had a sense of humor, like we all do around here.
I only joked because 1) I didn't know your answer. So I reckon I shouldda have kept my mouth shut and 2) I KNEW you would get your answer REAL quick because that's a popular swap and I know people have done it and know about it. Since I cannot read minds and know when that appropriate time is, I would also ask that maybe you give people some leeway when it comes to jokes. There's a lot of funny people around here.
Never saw the name calling reply, but I have to tell you, 68coupe, you have to have a thick skin and a sense of humor here. There are more than our share of comedians and more than our share of ummmm ... opinionated people. That said, your offset means trouble. It can be fixed with tube shortening or lengthening and new axles. It sounds like you are putting the Explorer rear into the Cuda? It may be more trouble than it's worth, but yes, it can be done.