Never heard of a Roadrunner???

Now if i can get her to stop calling Mopars ''Mopeds'' and my Dart Sport a ''Duster'', i think we'll have something here.
I think she just says this to piss me off!
And yep, she's a keeper.

BWAHAHHAHHAHAHA @ mopeds :joker::joker::joker::joker:
When I had my Limelight 70 RR my friend had a 70 Dart the same color. Everybody kept mixing the two up. Someone asked me what I was doing with my friend's car one day. I couldn't understand this. Just because they were the same color but totally different cars.
To most, a '69 Roadrunner or GTX, '67 Dart, '65 Chevelle, '67 Nova... all the same thing. Look at it from a non-car person's eyes. A '65 Chevelle and a '67 Dart look an awful lot alike.

I think it's cute that she thought you called your car a "road runner" LOL. My wife just refers to my Dart as "your crappy car". I'm pretty sure she has never once, and I mean ONCE said the word "Dart" unless she was talking about the game.