New Dart is home !



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
First Id like to say it was great to meet Dave, (aka Moper) after all this time.

I left my home at 10:45 this morning to pick up the Dart. The ride was about 1.5hrs but seemed twice as long in our 94 Ram 3500 with half a muffler, no radio and the cummins spinning at wot with 4:10s in the rear. We made it home in once piece however and thats all that matters.

I havent had much time to rummage through the goodies or take pictures yet so I'll report more later. Right now Im beat and ready to sit and relax after I get the little ones to bed.
Congrats Adam! It must have been a LOOOONG week for ya waiting to get the car home.
Glad it made it in one piece!

Post some pix when ya get time.

I had a lot to keep me busy this week so it went pretty quick. The ride home seemed to take forever though. Now Im ready for bed. I'll post pictures in the morning.
Your like the rest of'll never learn. :sad3:

Good luck with the new project. Hope we see THIS one get finished! :happy4:
Congrat's on the purchase Adam! It is always good when the boss of the board has one of what the board is about. LOL

I know, your not really the boss anymore, but it was your doing.

It may see paint in the springs. It rolls fine now, Just wont be driving anytime soon.
No yellow allowed. ABJ and I are kinda sensitive about that color. :bootysha:

Cool that you got another ride. Be great to get it out. :thumbrig:

good luck with your new toy!!!!....dave is a GREAT guy and helps out in every way!!! i wish i knew you were going up to daves,i would have met you up there...only about 30 mins for me.

whats the plans for it??..i THINK it used to be red if its the same dart he had the last time i was over his house?