New EQ Head port misalignment?

I used a set of these with the magnum intake pattern.
I also used a Chinese magnum intake. The intake ports were a bit smaller than the cylinder head but nothing ridiculous.
For reference, here are some magnum heads with gasket on them
What a mess.
Can you post a picture of the chamber valve seat area? I'm curious if these heads are the same ones that are being used by a lot of other people as their replacement head. I had to remove a lot of floor out of some others and they might be the same head. I used Edelbrock Magnum gaskets.
In relation to the ports, agreed. Or ports are cast into the wrong spot. But potato potato.

But the bolt holes seem to be at the approximately the right height off the deck surface.
Geez, dude. Do you think you're going to argue the bolt holes into the right place? Send um back already.