New Forum: Shop, Garage and Tools



FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois
Welcome to the new forum, Shop, Garage and Tools

Building a garage? Want to ask about which tool is better? Looking on information about your home shop?

After seeing some threads about building a garage, and seeing a number of threads about what tool is best, I thought creating this forum might be a good idea.

I hope you all agree!

- Joeychgo
A very good idea.
Now we can learn some of the Mechanic's secrete's on a few things and just go to that forum and look or ask.
Good job Joey! I may not hang out here too much. After 8 hours in the tool truck and an hour of paperwork at home I like to shut toolmanmike down and talk cars instead. LOL toolmanmike (always glad to help)
I think it's a bad idea.
It will just remind me that I have no shop and no garage.
...and hardly any tools.

-I'm kidding of course- nice idea and it's always good to see what everyone is coming up with.
great idea!
The more organized we get, the easier it is to find information, the more you will attract even those who don't YET have MoPars.