New gas prices



Mopar Maniac Guru
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rosedale B.C Canada...EH
so true...I just make sure to bring the lube when I go to fill up my truck...
Driving around this morning thinking about what to do with gas prices going up, happened to see a kid on a bicycle, well maybe it will come to that lol.
One of our leased office towers was made by Arab money- there are 4 towers all together, 2 are leased to a large software firm (us) and the other 2 are residential towers. At the base are very upscale retailers(Jimmy Choo), a gym (David Barton)and dining spots (John Howie). The sales of the condos was/has been/ and is so bad that they are now renting out some of the units in the residential towers. Arabs might be getting more on one end, but they will start losing more and more as the fuel prices spike up the cost of everything on the other end of their income
Guys, its not the Arabs. Its the freak'in oil companies in cahoots with the speculators on Wall Street - the ones who F@#kd us last time - driving up the price, because given the unrest in certain countries in OPEC they see an opportunty to stick it to us. Just wait and see. The oil companies will post record third quarter profits for '11.

Time for our governments to smarten up and to try and put a leash on these oil company crooks! But in Canada the tax money they get from the higher prices seems to blind them to the working class people.:angry7:
Time for our governments to smarten up and to try and put a leash on these oil company crooks! But in Canada the tax money they get from the higher prices seems to blind them to the working class people.:angry7:
Hmmmmmmmm;don't know if that happens down here.Nah osama don't like tax dollars.
It's not getting any better, supposedly America is using less and there are no real interruptions in the oil imports. This is out of control again. I need to buy stock in Exxon.
Guys, its not the Arabs. Its the freak'in oil companies in cahoots with the speculators on Wall Street - the ones who F@#kd us last time - driving up the price, because given the unrest in certain countries in OPEC they see an opportunty to stick it to us. Just wait and see. The oil companies will post record third quarter profits for '11.

And yet they still "NEED" those billions of dollars in gov't subsidies every year.
I just find it funny that about a month ago, Obama went on TV and started talking about freezing the price of gas and the next day all of the gas prices in my city dropped. And stayed down for almost two weeks. When nothing was said/done further about freezing the prices, they shot up again. I was told that since I came to work today, they hit just a few cents shy of $4/gal here in central IL. And that's AFTER the news reported that the overall price of oil dropped 3%. Usually, if I am getting screwed this much, I insist on dinner and a movie first. Not a sand paper penetration sideways with no lube.
We are paying @ 20% more for crude just because we like to speculate so not all to blame on opec our consumption has gone down and will continue to go down but as long some guy and not just on wall street thinks he can make a buck we will continue to pay inflated prices. So everybody call me and Buy a Motorcycle so I can afford to drive my Hemi. Come on Help a guy out. Not sure what to think about world markets it's crazy out there good thing the world is supposed to end in 2012 I won't be able to afford to go on much longer than that. lol
Guys, its not the Arabs. Its the freak'in oil companies in cahoots with the speculators on Wall Street - the ones who F@#kd us last time - driving up the price, because given the unrest in certain countries in OPEC they see an opportunty to stick it to us. Just wait and see. The oil companies will post record third quarter profits for '11.


I agree with you . This was all forecasted several months ago by speculators predicting the middle east up risings .
Libbya is such a small player in the world oil supply it's stupid what people are speculating about it. The Saudi's can cover all of thier oil output without even flinching this is all going on becuse there are to many uneducated buyers out there. When people started being able to run thier own portfolios then you get alot of bad decisions. Of course The hedge funds are so big now one player can effect the whole market there needs to be some controlls to protect people form thier selves unfortunally I hate to say that because I really don't belive in more govt.