new Guy


bill paynter

67 Cuda
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
So, Ca.
I just wanted to say Hi
I'm glad to see others so passoniate about their cars and eager to help
I wished I had found this site a year ago, you guys may have saved me some headaches

keep up the good work
Welcome aboard. You'll like it here, and I'm sure there's someone in the bunch that can help you with just about anything related to A Bodies. Pictures of your car available? :) Enjoy.
Hey, Bill, what color code is your car? It looks similar, but darker than mine. Mine is JJ1. Just wondering if they used the same color for 67-68. Got any more pics?
the original color is a bronze color, not sure what code
the cars been painted since.
I'll look up the color code and let you know.

go to FAQ area of the site for info. I'm still learning my way around, so I'm usless
Yes indeed, welcome Bill...these guys are great and full of humor as well. Just about enough to make ya :puke: with :toothy10: . The best one's are the :snorting:s. Can I say they that :blackeye:
