................New job..........

Good for you Kim! A few small perks helps off set starting a new job. Good luck with your smarts you'll be running the place by summer. dan
Great newssssssss Kim,nice to feel usefull dont it.Not that ur is useless but you know what I mean,I hope.
Good for you.
Sounds like you got lots done on your time off and then got a good job with the perks you wanted.
Is this job in Kindersley?
More good news :D:coffee2:...
Congratulations Kim :thumblef:and :hello1:
I bet you are ready to get back to the grind, even after your 37 years I bet you are ready :bball:......... I miss it bad.
Sort of ironic when you read the title, and then the poster.

New job, Oldkimmer...

New & old in the same sentence.

With all of your car knowledge, you will do fine.
Hay there Old Kimmer,

Great news! (OK, retirement would be Great news) But glad you are back at work.

As a government employee, I work in a 80' x100' shop, heated concrete floor, 20 ton overhead crane and I can't use any of it for personal stuff. It spoils a guy so much to work there I find it hard to come home and work in my freezing cold crowded garage.

Congratulations! Kim Whitlock
That is good news Kimmer I was just talking about you to a former co-worker who is now a service manager at a local Cambodian Tire and was wondering how you were doing , I didn't realize you were already out of there , well their loss is definitely Goodyears gain eh, who knows maybe you'll be ready for a little driving vacation come august after all . keep your stick on the ice buddy
.............Thanks again guys......job is in Kindersley, Saskatchewan just about 2 miles from home......looks like the race car will be sitting again this year as our holidays r pretty much being used for camping and fishing and alittle travelling [moparfest hopefully] or Vancouver Island.......Terry, i'm thinking about it.........kim.........
.............Thanks again guys......job is in Kindersley, Saskatchewan just about 2 miles from home......looks like the race car will be sitting again this year as our holidays r pretty much being used for camping and fishing and alittle travelling [moparfest hopefully] or Vancouver Island.......Terry, i'm thinking about it.........kim.........

For you Kim price reduced, I know it'll be going to a good home. Lets talk about it.
fantastic..........now go order some slicks..lots of them....LOL!!!

Yeah, good idea. If you sorta "over ordered" some slicks, you could discount them to FABO members.... :-?

Well, I thought it would be a "slick" idea... LOL! :toothy10:
Moparfest is what I was thinking of when I suggested a little holiday eh ! lol of course I'm still looking to take a little detour through Newfoundland but if it's not in the cards we can always cruise back together after moparfest