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Mar 20, 2025
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I own a 318LA mid 60s. I think?

Currently working on a few things and gonna get roudy with it this summer.
That's haunting

318 swap into a Nova?

We can handle it
Mid 60s Hough 50 series. Oh, the LA 2 barrel performance and endurace on a 100k mile swap back in the 80s???, and i parked this machine 3 years ago from this post, has been surprising. Never been apart. See what all leaks next week.

I messed up this post quote,,don't honor it.

Yeah, i remember moving material and making those manifolds glow red all night trying to fill quotas.

That poor engine has been though hell since the 80s. I honestly wished I could verify the CR but I don't want to kill gaskets. I'm in a time crunch getting a pump on it
All the information I've found with the cast number gives me zero narrowing.

As far as I can tell it's 2 barrel and intake are all factory to that cast #. I'm not to worried, but it should put out enough torque to handle a 35gpm pump 2000psi.

It had a 24gpm on it. I'm going for a bit more flow for attachments.
No, under 5 and 7 on block.
I highly doubt this is marine too. Rotation is cw looking at front of engine.

Don't believe the manifolds. I think there's some switch a roos to dodge motor mounts and ****.

There's no starter because it's on the other side. ;)

Put it in a motorcycle, you could probably get a 9 second time slip pretty easy.
Nope. Back in the day the choice was made to see how it does in a 11 ton machine to move dirt for a business over 30 years.

We were impressed.
I just removed 50/50 champions labeled n13y and n14y.

Added something AC delco x8 that's a fuzz shorter on a new coil with ballast delete. Hopefully no piston damage.