New Life for my Old House (Big deal to me)



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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A couple years ago my childhood home was for sale. It had been so neglected it was a very sad sight and a likely tear-down.

Well I could not have wished for a better outcome. My Mom and sister went by to see how the place looked and the new owner invited them inside. He is a successful musician, he says he wants to spend the rest of his life there and fix it back up but keep the old 1950's style. it already looks so much better, and doesn't the new owner look happy?

Check out the before and after and please excuse me for this odd thread but I loved that house and I am so happy the new owner loves it too.

Before and after....
Lets try this again....ok these are the 'after' keep in mind this is still a work in progress...that's my Mom in the pic with the new owner.

The 'before' pics won't load, maybe that's for the best, it was really atrocious lol.


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Thanks guys it's cool I can see my old room in the background of the interior shot. Christmas morning we would always run outside and look on the roof, my Dad would put presents like bikes and even my Mom's dishwasher up there 'Santa couldn't get them down the chimney'
Very nice. I wanted to buy the house my grandpa built. That was 30 years ago. The neighborhood had went downhill even then.
I suddenly feel the need to drive by there again.
I deliver the mail to the house I grew up in.
Tough to imagine that it belongs to someone else now.
I bet that had to be a great day for you goldfish65 :hello2:
That is a cool looking home and I can see why a creative musician would like it.
So how many times did you sneak out at night though the widow to go see a girl friend :toothy4:
Thank you for sharing a cool time in your life :hello2:
So how many times did you sneak out at night though the widow to go see a girl friend :toothy4:
Lol memike not quite....

The windows are a style called 'jalousy windows' which are the worst design known to man. Each window is made many long 4" wide pieces of glass running horizontally and secured at the ends into the mechanism that rotates them open. A pain to clean the glass, the metal parts would corrode, bind, and strip the crank...and no way could a person sneak out through them.

Funny but back then I was really scared of my parents, not so much of the whooping I got now and then but of being so ashamed to do something wrong plus the whole neighborhood would know about it too.
Goldfish, very cool. I always like to see the old stuff kept in service by someone that appreciates what it is.
Very cool childhood memories. Thats a dedicated Dad too, hauling the stuff up on the roof!! Is that an obese cuda on your moms shirt??? LOL
I'm glad for you Goldie.:thumleft: I drive by my childhood home quite often,just to keep tabs on it and to think back about so many memories.Christmas mornings especially.
I am lucky enough to live in my childhood home. When we have been doing work on the house it is awsome to find names written behind old sheet rock of people who helped my dad build the house.
Good story and cool looking house.. Glad to see it saved. It looks unique and has style. Little piece of history. Seems like now a days homes don't mean that much to people they are just a status symbol and a stepping stone for something bigger. I live right across the road from my childhood home and it has gone down hill pretty bad, dang white trash people..
Goldfish, very cool. I always like to see the old stuff kept in service by someone that appreciates what it is.

Thanks C. The building materials were designed to hold up well in Florida. The exterior is called Ocala Block it's a special concrete block that's meant to look good in it's natural state without needing to be painted. The floors are Terazzo, concrete sprinkled with marble chips that's polished smooth, again lasts forever no upkeep and the concrete keeps the house 10 degrees cooler.

But most people want to tear down and build big gaudy Spanish-style homes:pukerigh: that are out of proportion for the site.
I know how you feel. My father was a home builder and not only built my childhood home but also developed a large part of the neighborhood I grew up in. That home I grew up in was bought by an elderly woman who kept it up but passed away after about five years. The next family that bought the home have let it fall into disrepair. It breaks my heart to see it now. I wish I could rescue it.