New puppy dog!



John/68 Barracuda & Dart
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Newport News, Virginia
Ever since my 16 y.o. Dalmatian "Dexter" died in February of this year I`ve been blue. My gf and I have really missed having a dog so I started looking about a month ago. A litter of Dalmatians arrived Oct.2 in Maryland on the Eastern Shore about 4 hours away from us. We spent the day riding up and picked up a little boy 11 weeks old. What a ball of fire this little guy is, he`ll hardly stay still long enough to get a picture. I did get to snap one once I tired him out.

Pic1- Moma says goodbye.
Pic2- Trouble is home!
Pic3- $50 in toys and he likes the tissue box more.
Pic4- Exhausted but recharging for tomorrow.

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What a great Christmas present for you guys. Congrats are in order and :pottytra: duties. Puppies are such fun.....

Any name yet? With that 2 tone he's got, must be in the Mopar family. LOL
The first pic is the one that got me. Mom saying goodbye to her boy.:cry:

Looks like a great puppy. Dexter is smiling from above.

Enjoy !

Pic of our Jessy at her 5th birthday party.

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Great! What's his name? I'm sure Dexter would approve, giving a fellow Dalmation a good home.
If you take him to Walmart, please don't tell us!
Sorry. Just a little side joke.
from the first pic it looks like he came from a mopar home. good to know he has always been in good hands lol
Congrats Longgone, He looks like a big and happy pup.
He looks like a Valiant Lad. I bet he follows you around all day.:-D
Many Happy Years With This Guy. Amazing How They Grow On You. Good Luck
Congratulations John! I hope your newest addition to your family brings you many years of love and companionship.

Is he named yet? :grommit:
Thanks for all the replies guys. His name is Wilson, he`s named after Dexter`s favorite tennis ball. Dexter seldom went anywhere without his tennis ball, it kept him going. I hope this fella' lives as long and as well as Dexter did. Though I only got about 4 hours of broken sleep last night he`s already acclimating well and I don`t think it`ll be more than a few days before he`ll be like one of the family.

Pic1- The Thomas Jefferson
Pic2- Dexter relaxing

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