New style of Dart / Demon hood


73 408 Duster

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
San Marcos, CA
This hood is going on my 1972 Demon. Thought I would share in my joy, look what the FedEx man brought. This is US Body Sources new SRT lift off hood, comes in hinged as well. I have never seen one before and love it! Nice fit / craftmanship, took about three months to get it made. Let me know what you think.


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I like it.
I often wish there was some alternative to the 67 Barracuda hood. The pot metal medallions are OK if in great condition but very few are today.
looks kinda cool!! definitely different!! will you make it functional? or will it remain decorative?

as an aside...make certain you clean it and sand it and clean it again like 10 times!! To get that release agent off the surface...or you paint will flake off like potato chips on glass!

cant wait to see it in color and finished....PICs are a must!!
Thats cool I would like to see it on the car. Kepp us posted
Thanks for the replys, will be a bit before I can get it on the car. As far
As function, yes I am going to cut out the front of the scoop.
I saw this on the site two years ago and it always said "coming soon".. soon my *** lol.. I am envious.

+1up on wanting to see it on a car!
could have at least wiped it down before you take pics ;) looks great
I was going to go that route too until they never actually went into production on the 67-69, just said coming soon. I called and asked if they would do it and they said no way. If the mold ever existed, which I don't think it did, it has to be somewhere. Since they wouldn't build one, I am having mine built. Soon to be available for 67-69 Darts.

Be thankful you got a lift off hood from US Body. I bought a hinged one for my car. It fit very well......until it was mounted on the hinges. The frame was not centered on the hood, it was about 1/2" off to the one side. After tweaking the hinges a bit body guy made a spacer that got welded to the one hinge.......
MAN! those were suppose to come out like 2 years ago when I ordered my 6 pack hood. This stinks!
My 6 pack hood (race weight) is gonna be in town tomorrow from US Body. Ordered it mid March...

Look at their website, the business is for sale so anybody wavering on buying their stuff should get going before they sell and the delay in relocating / startup hurts delivery.

Anybody know where a set of repro hood pin plates is available or have one? Bot the only set year1 had and Lawsons is out. I need another pair and it doesn't matter what the fasteners are (steel or glass hood) as I can deal with the fasteners myself. I wanna mount my hood tomorrow when it is here!!! Driving around without a hood now as the intake sys I have won't let a stock hood fit.
73 408 Duster, you have that hood on yet?!?!?

I want to see it badly!!!

I also hope there is a chance that US Body might consider making one for the 69 Dart............. I'd order one immediately.

How long did I take to receive?
73 408 Duster, you have that hood on yet?!?!?

I want to see it badly!!!

I also hope there is a chance that US Body might consider making one for the 69 Dart............. I'd order one immediately.

How long did I take to receive?

Don't plan on it. It was on there site for about a year, I think to gauge interest, then the day I went to place my order it was gone. I called them and they wouldn't do it. Apparently they no longer had the mold, I don't think it ever existed because their website never actually showed the 67-69 hood. One option is to order a flat hood and a fiberglass SRT-10 truck hood, cut the scoop from the truck and have it grafted to the flat. US Body wouldn't do that either if I bought two hoods from them. That's why I commissioned my own.