New to Mopar



67 cuda or it will be
Jul 27, 2009
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Hi Im new to Mopar. But I think im converted. I have a 67 Barracuda that I am building. I baught it 5 years ago with my father and it has pretty much sat in the garage. I dont know the feeling of the people of this site so please dont get offended when I say im not restoring it to original. Infact Im building a bad @$$ street Strip Car. I have recently come into a position where I can actually afford the time and money to get this thing built. I have some questiones and thought this would be the place to ask them. First of all are the RMS front end and 4 link rear kits worth the money. Remember this will be a street driven car Im gonna guess 90 % with the ocasional trip to Epping and Naperville. Would like top hear from people that have actually used these parts. Thanks in advance
Welcome to FABO! You have come to the right place. Lots of good people around willing to help each other out.
Welcome to the best site going RGN, Jump on in and ask away.
We have the best of the best tec's and great folks here to cheer you on.
lets see your 67 barracuda when you get a chance and look around the site
and enjoy your time here.
Welcome to FABO,I also have a '67 and would like to seeyour progress,keep us informed.:cheers:
Welcome! Lots of good people and friends here. Show us some pics! toolmanmike
Thanks for the welcomes and I want everyone to know thatill be getting some progress pics on asap. I was just looking over the cuda pics thread and love what I saw. I wont be the only notch back 67 on the block. Ive never seen another one in person. they aparently areant as common as the fastbacks up here in vt
Welcome to FABO. You're gonna have fun here.
Our club (Inland Mopars Car Club) built a '68 Valiant with a 400cid big block as our charity project car last year and used both the RMS front and rear suspension. I'd say both are well worth the money depending on what your goals are.
Our Valiant was intended as more of a street handler than a strip terror and the finished product handled like a new Corvette. I can't speak for strip traction as we never took it down a timed quarter mile. I'd check with 'AbodyJoe' and get his reaction as I believe he's got both the front and rear setup on his Dart.
One thing for sure, the AlterKtion front suspension will give you tons of room for headers and the oil pan.
I'm not sure on how limited you may be on wheel/tire width using the StreetLynx rear suspension setup.

Good luck with your project and make sure to keep including pics as you progress.

Here's a pic of our clubs finished '68 Valiant.

RMS and 4 link are the only way to go if you want unlimited space in the engine compartment and Mustang like handling.

I can only account for 10 miles on mine but those 10 miles were sweet and I am almost ready to get back on the road.....interior work as of now has slowed me down.

Come see my thread under fat blue fish can see the RMS stuff there.


Enjoy building it your own way.