You may have installed a new turn signal switch to find it does not cancel. In my case the spring clamp post on the back of the steering wheel was missing the return tabs on the switch. Bending the post seemed impossible as it is pretty heavy guaged and it's spring steel/ wrapped around the hub center. I first clamped the ring down on the opposite side of the post then tapped a small washer between the post and the hub center forcing it outward so it would contact the cancel tabs. My first attempt cracked the insulator between the circular horn ground and the return post spring with some pieces falling out essentially grounding the ring/horn ground halo = horn on continuously. To fix, I first pried the spring ring out of the groove a little. Next I used little shaped strips of plastic from a typical electrical parts packaging lid under the ring then tapped the ring back into place then cut off the top of the washer used as a spacer. First test, the return function worked on right hand turn but not left hand turn. Upon measuring, the LHT return tab was maybe 3/32" further from the hub center so the return post was still missing it. RHT return function already had a heavy click noise so I didn't want to move the post any more. I decided to slowly heat the LHT return tab plastic while I had it positioned where it needed to be. I used a soldering iron close to the plastic but not touching it. After it cooled down I reassembled everything and the blinker return function and horn work perfectly. I'll gladly post the pics when I figure out why " attach photos" gets me camera only, and not gallery for pics. Membership shows good thru 2/25