New voltage limiter questions - 67 Dart 270

If you have done lots of these, I suspect you are doing them for other people.
If that is the case, I also suspect they are waiting till theirs get's fried.
I'm hoping to get ahead of that in this project car.
Well see when I open it up.
Any suggestion on soldering what I understand is Ni-chrome wire?
Tin it with silver solder?

I just found out about using bronze rod with TIG.

This sounds like a good solution to filling pin hole rust.
I plan to try it on another car I bought.
tig brazing with silicon-bronze filler, very cool
I serviced over 300 instruments during a 8 yr. period. Then I retired.
Solder wont stick to nickel. The wire is welded to the studs. The wire/weld hardens.
Movement of the wire ( it moves as the bi-metal beam moves ) would cause it to break. This is why you'll find a ball of cement like epoxy material on top of the weld. This is/was to relocate the movement.