Next shooting trip



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
Reaction score
On our next trip out to the woods I will finally get to shoot my S&W 500 Magnum...can't wait......

DANG!!! Hang on to it and use ear plugs inkjunkie and enjoy :cheers:
I like that long barrel 8) Sweet :happy10:You could shoot though heavy brush and put a deer on the ground with that 8)
Loved the 500 I got to shoot.

I was expecting a lot of muzzle flip but there really wasn't much more then my .40 sub compact.
Did however feel quite a bit of the recoil come right back into my palm, which works well with that gun since its so heavy.
Its a surprisingly well mannered hand cannon.

Still can't get over how big those rounds are.

Have fun and send us some range videos or pictures!

AnotherA, you must not have been shooting the corbon stuff then.

I got the same toy at home.
Are those the corbon 275 grain hollow points or the standard 330 grain semi hollows?

Check out the 440 grain corbon hard cast loads...oh dude, they will kick your ***, ha, ha.
25 rounds of those and your wrist wil be toast for a year.

They kick like 3" magnum .12 ga rounds through that sucker.

If you get a chance, shoot the 275 grain corbon super deep hollow points at a 5 gallon bucket full of water with a snap on lid on tight and aim for the center......what a freak show, ha, ah.

I set it on a pedestal, hit center mass and the bucket split in tow identical halves, the top bursted off and water went 15" in the air and 10' to each side.

Be careful with the cyllinder exhaust, if yourhand gets too close it can burn a hole in your flesh, no kidding, happened to a guy at my local range.

Also make sure you don't let any weaklings shoot that gun because they are prone to double tapping from holding too loosely during recoil.

The first time I shot mine, I shot 50 various rounds through it and my wrist hurt for a year.. LOL.

No ear protection and you WILL burst an ear drum as those suckers are loud as hell.
They were not the Corbons. I want to say they were 400gr Magtech rounds.

We had hay bales 2 high that we used as a bench. After the first shot I had to laugh at all the hay falling like rain from the muzzle brake.
The rounds are 350 gr jhp from . Cudaspaz, thanks for the tip on the water bucket, I got a few extras in the garage that I guess it will be time to get rid of. I shot a sealed 5 gallon bucket with a 225 grain 338 winmag round. No water was present behind the bucket, but 30 feet from each side of it there was vapor. A former co-worker that I used to discuss loading ammo, I have a press it is just not set up yet, gave me the load info for what he loads. He said it kicks pretty hard, but not so much where it is unbearable. He did load up some lead stuff he cast, I believe they were over 500 grains. His wrist hurt bad enough the next day he stayed home form work. Where I go shooting there is a sizeable meadow right next to it. I am hoping it is long enough to shoot rifles in, I would like to start shooting rifles again......
