Next time your wife complains about laundry.....

I can't ask my wife what she thinks about it until the spring thaw because she's still frozen solid out in the snow from the last batch of clothes she took out to wash!!!
You guys are silly. When ever my wife wanted me to do something like that. I DID IT! and I f^cked it up so bad that I was never asked to do it again. Over 36 years to the beautiful wife. Don't cheat, money in the account whenever she wants it, and the damn car better start when she turns the key. Happy happy me!!!!
Lol, nope. But I can tell how much snoring I did during the night by counting the bruises on my ribs the next morning! ( elbow in the ribs is better than a pillow over my head !)

a few years ago it was coming close to christmass and we were having a secret santa with my sundayschool class
i think my boy was about 5 or 6 at the time

well, he got to tag along with me to the mall and we picked out a cute litte necklace and pendant for the girl i had (the girl was probably 12)

a few hours later me and the wife put him to bed and during his prayer time he was thanking God for the day, for being able to go to the mall with dad, and for dad being able to find a nice necklace for his girlfriend

i let the whole thing go, just to see what would happen and at about 3 AM i woke up because my side was hurting pretty bad
You guy's are lucky, I usually wake up with a black eye or bloody nose. lol
The wife is viscous with her elbow. lol
BTW where did the op find a picture of my wife doing the laundry. lol
You guy's are lucky, I usually wake up with a black eye or bloody nose. lol
The wife is viscous with her elbow. lol
BTW where did the op find a picture of my wife doing the laundry. lol
I think that girl would back down half the guys on this site.... :D
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I sleep alone. That way my wife stays forever young in my mind. Well, once or twice a week I sneak into her bed and cuddle for a bit, just to remind her that we're still married.
We have a deal; she does the inside work, and I do the outside work. I don't ask her for help, and when she does, I play the;
ochit - I forgot, card, or the
sorry dear, I didn't hear you card, or the
maybe later card, and later never comes, cuz..... back to the top.
Hey, it's not like we're newlyweds.........
I sleep alone. That way my wife stays forever young in my mind. .
Hmmmm..... not sure what this means ^^^^ LOL. Did you notice how red this girl's hands were in the video?? I'm not sure if it's because they are cold, or if she just gutted a moose.
You guys are silly. When ever my wife wanted me to do something like that. I DID IT! and I f^cked it up so bad that I was never asked to do it again. Over 36 years to the beautiful wife. Don't cheat, money in the account whenever she wants it, and the damn car better start when she turns the key. Happy happy me!!!!
Agreed happy wife happy life.
Show her this..... :D

My Nordic background :thumbsup:

My wife was that tuff when I married her 32 years ago. That was one of the things that attracted me.
Now at the age of 70 she has slowed down a little but she gets more done in a morning than I do in a day.
My wife was that tuff when I married her 32 years ago. That was one of the things that attracted me.
Now at the age of 70 she has slowed down a little but she gets more done in a morning than I do in a day.
My wife is a good worker as well even at 72. I can sit and watch her all day