Nicks Garage, 572 HEMI, Here we go....

Sorry made a mistake with the title, can't change it ....J.Rob

Please watch video and assess.
That popping thru the carbs is almost always a sign of the distributor 180 degrees off. and I don't know ****!
I would have thought it would have been easier to go down to O'Reilly's and grab a couple Elderbrocks as he would say to replace the Holleys. Be easier than changing the intake. But what do I know?:BangHead:
i can't deal with the bumbling and fumbling style of trying to fix something without following a diagnostic tree.

first rule of dealing with something unkown: verify. verify. verify.

anyway, can somebody give me the cliff's notes on this one, i don't feel like wasting an hour of my life listening to half baked bullshittery.
Typical clickbait drama that I’ve come to expect with the supposed “big name professional” channels… just being able to dink around with something like that for the sake of views tells me they passed the point of credibility long ago. There’s a lot more people on this forum I’d trust to build or start that than there is on YouTube!
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All you need is a camera type device and a boob tube account and you too can have an amazing channel!

1) I’ve watched his channel and I cannot live with the unprofessional unedited mistakes
2) on the other hand- he is “doing it.” Like it or hate it, he is still putting it out there.
3) at his age, good for him trying to stay relevant.
Meh, all of this fussin' over Nick. If you want a real treat, skip the video, scroll down and read the comments. :lol:
So what is the knocking noise and why is it FOUR? cylinders down?
Probably because of the gallon of gasoline Nick pumped and poured down the carbs while somehow not thinking to look at distributor/rotor position. J.Rob
Stevie Wonder could see the flood of fuel on back carb for Christ sakes. He was inches away from the carb and still didn't believe the guy smh.
No idea what he spent on it, but u would think chk plugs, tdc, timing. I'm only 15 minutes in lol.
"i know the timing and firing order are right!" although we didn't check either... it has to be right...

I know i'm an idiot.. but this video even bothered me.....

BTW... i wonder why the plugs were soaking wet...
just finished that.... running on 4 cyls.. 10:1 afr and emptied the fuel tank into the motor.. " i don't wanna ruin the motor" after 5 minutes of washing it down..