Good to know, and am learning yet another variable in that OC springs differ with engine? My car was factory 318 so, guess I have a 318 OC spring? Thanks for your input.
ACL is anterior cruciate ligament, it resides through the middle of the knee joint vertically, if memory serves
I lost a ligament, in my right knee, in 1997 in a snowmobile mishap. I felt it recoil; and snap up into my right butt-cheek, and I sat on it for a couple of months while my knee cartilage knit. Eventually the lump grew smaller and disappeared, or at least I didn't feel it any more.
The doctor drained blood and water out of that knee many times over the following couple of months, and he said I would limp for the rest of my life. I did limp, but only for about 14 months. During that time, I occasionally fell down due to lack of lateral support, and it was mighty painful when that happened.
But I'll tell you something;
today, that leg has no pain, and I quit limping over two decades ago, and it is the stronger leg. I never give it a thought anymore.
And I bet you know what I'm gonna say next;
My God is well able to heal me, he created this body and is intimately acquainted with how it is supposed to work. All I had to do was ask. I have absolutely no doubt, that if you follow the rules, you also can be healed.
I am almost 68 now, and well into the age that most men start to have physical problems, as we run down our promised 70 years/80 if by reason of good health. Yet,my body is blessed with, as far as I can tell, perfect health. Which is not of my own doing, but according to the promises of AlmightyGod.
Any Believer, I mean ANY Believer can enjoy the same blessing, when they follow the rules. I am in no way special; and God is no respecter of persons. He put the rules in the Bible, for anyone to find. Anyone who has eyes to see, and ears to hear. Anyone.