No Marcus: Sat. night cruise ideas?

The Saturday nite cruise is now at "Big Daddy's Deli" in Woodbury Ct, corner of Rte 6 and 61. Weird hours, says from 3:30 pm (R-U kidding) to 8:00 pm. Sounds more like a Sunday brunch croud to me, the fun just begins at 8pm if ya ask me.
I live in Danbury about 10 minutes from Marcus. When I heard about the Saturday night cruises no longer existing I was bummed. With nice weather last summer on Saturdays you would sometimes get close to 200 hundred cars at Marcus. I reall hope that another location is found to continue the Saturday night tradition. I mean as someone said before where ever it is held it should help the restaurants in the vicinity. Anyone have any good ideas?
I live in Danbury about 10 minutes from Marcus. When I heard about the Saturday night cruises no longer existing I was bummed. With nice weather last summer on Saturdays you would sometimes get close to 200 hundred cars at Marcus. I reall hope that another location is found to continue the Saturday night tradition. I mean as someone said before where ever it is held it should help the restaurants in the vicinity. Anyone have any good ideas?

I've been in contact with lots of MoPar guys in the area, and it looks like we are leaning towards Bill's Drive In off Rte 111 in Monroe, Ct. (Sat nites) "Superbird" Pete has organized a solid 25-30 Mopars to show up regularly going back many years, and I have contact with another dozen or so in my general area north of Danbury. One guy has a collection of 11 cars he can have driven down for him :icon_smi: so we could have quite an impressive all MoPar cruise night.
Bills is a good, smaller show, but the parking sucks in plain English. Once you're there, you're there for the night as they pack cars in tighter than a gnats *** stretched over a door knob. I might take a ride up there tonight with my kids.

I had an idea for those of you that know the Danbury Brookfield area. there is a big plaza where many of the stores have gone out of business and the lot is huge. I was thinking of the Office Max plaza that is on Federal road and off the Rte 7 connector. The far end of the lot farthest from the Office Max is empty and has a lot of space. Is anyone familar with the location I'm talking about. The best thing about it is if you wanted to come and go as you please it is big enough to allow this. Thoughts?

were the movie theater, Johns best pizza and autozone use to be. They are building something there I believe.
i don't live in your area but have been to the Marcus bike deal a number of times.

sounds like some of you local guys need to start going around to the different shopping centers and see if you can get a section put aside for a weekly cruise night.

not hard to do, you go during the day and ask the manager and see what they say
they may give you the number to the owner of the plaza and you broach it a way
that makes it sound like they CANT do without.
brings in a lot of business to any food establishments and auto parts stores
also a lot of times the dept store will pick up revenue from people that plan to shop while
at the cruise night.

we do it here in central,NJ on a monday night at a Kmart and have had it for going on 10 years now they give us one whole section for the cruisers and on a summer night it can fill the 200 spots with some overflow.

again it doesn't take much to get going, once you have permission to hold it you print up about 500 fliers to pass out at other cruise nights and car shows and and word spreads really fast.
the main thing is stop taking about it on here and DO IT and don't blink your eyes because summer will be gone before you know it.

forgot to add

has anyone spoken to the mall about it? it has plenty of parking and may be agreeable
Bills is a good, smaller show, but the parking sucks in plain English. Once you're there, you're there for the night as they pack cars in tighter than a gnats *** stretched over a door knob. I might take a ride up there tonight with my kids.


Hey George, your 100% right on about the parking. I know the owner of the drive-in offered Pete a great deal of gratitute for bringing them business on saturdays all winter long....but it's still a tiny spot for a Saturday nite cruise.
I had an idea for those of you that know the Danbury Brookfield area. there is a big plaza where many of the stores have gone out of business and the lot is huge. I was thinking of the Office Max plaza that is on Federal road and off the Rte 7 connector. The far end of the lot farthest from the Office Max is empty and has a lot of space. Is anyone familar with the location I'm talking about. The best thing about it is if you wanted to come and go as you please it is big enough to allow this. Thoughts?


Yes. quite familiar. It's attached to the current Kohl's shopping plaza. Not sure if that would be popular destination with the hot rod scene. No place to congregate, eat, ice cream all that stuff. There is construction started now too, that whole plaza is about to get knocked down.

It's going to take quite an effort to replace what we had at Marcus. Location was literally perfect, hell I'm the 3rd town south of Mass. and it still wasnt a bad drive- just short of an hour. A lot of drag car owners would park their trailers at the east end of the mall parking lot and drive the 1000 ft. to Marcus without any problems from the local Dunkin Donuts patrol. I thinks we're all screwed
forgot to add

has anyone spoken to the mall about it? it has plenty of parking and may be agreeable

LOL, the mall HATES anything to do with both the old "Super Sunday" motorcycle events and the Saturday nite cruise. The east corner near the Strawberries Music store was normally vacant and you could see a dozen or so car trailers parked there on a saturday night where the drag cars would off load. ...But they did not exactly draw attention to themselves or draw a croud so there was not much fuss about it.
The tri-state mopar club is still going, but for how long is anyones guess...They did not merge with Mopars in motion. I am one of the original founding members and I quit that club a few years ago. The wrong people became officers and it was poorly run. I have sinse joined Mopars in motion, and it is a great club. Ralph does a great job and we have a few shows throughout the summer. I'm bummin that Papas dodge is not doing a show this year. Last year they announced at the show, that I was the only person that attended every show they ever had, sinse 1982.
J.F.Y.I., I found out tonight at a local car cruise (Rock & Rods, Yonkers, N.Y.) that a number of Lower & Mid Westchester rodders who used to go to Marcus are now showing up on a Saturday Night at a Burger King on Route 22 North of 84. Thats all the info. I have at the moment will investigate further?
J.F.Y.I., I found out tonight at a local car cruise (Rock & Rods, Yonkers, N.Y.) that a number of Lower & Mid Westchester rodders who used to go to Marcus are now showing up on a Saturday Night at a Burger King on Route 22 North of 84. Thats all the info. I have at the moment will investigate further?

Nice. Sounds like that is the BK just north of the Brewster center in the large shopping plaza.
Confirmed, Smokey & the guys that used to go to Marcus started to show up at the Burger King on route 22 just north of route 84 & south of the Red Rooster, Saturday night 6 to 9:30 pm, I was their tonight, plenty of parking & food places.
Confirmed, Smokey & the guys that used to go to Marcus started to show up at the Burger King on route 22 just north of route 84 & south of the Red Rooster, Saturday night 6 to 9:30 pm, I was their tonight, plenty of parking & food places.

Sounds promicing. Are they drawing a nice croud at this point, like 100+ cars? I wonder why so secret, just can't tell ya how many people I'm friends with up in my part of Ct that don't know about anyplace that stepped up to fill the Sat. nite void. I'm gonna have a chat with Ct. cruise news.
From what I understand about 25 cars were showing up at Brookville Lanes in CT off 202 & rt7, and 15 cars or so were showing up at the Burger King mentioned above a week ago. As of yesterday they got together & Saturday nights they will be at Burger King from now on. I was told that yesterday when after going to both places only to find Brookville lanes empty. They can fit 100+ cars their, but only 20 cars were their yesterday when I showed up at 7pm. They are hoping it will grow?
Might be time to improvise, and give in just a bit. 2 weekends ago on Sat. nite we headed down to Bills Drive-in off rt 111 in Monroe. Not a "huge" lot by Marcus standards, but this is evolving into a MoPar dominated cruise night which is not really the worst thing. George R rode over with his red Dart GTS too. I counted 19 MoPars that attended which is pretty healthy considering this is only the usual group that shows up about every Sat. night.

Anyhow I'd like to try to organize more MoPar Action from my little corner of the state to head down to Bills for the Saturday cruise in. I'm only like 25 min from Mopar clowns house and a few others in the Canaan area who drive to W. Lebanon dragway so Bill's would be easy. I have contact with many other MoPar owners not on the FABO forums who are willing to crash the party. I'm thinking less of a one time event, more like trying to make this a regular thing..