Here in Wisconson are you at 72Demon440?
I travel to the Green Bay and Appleton area fairly often.
My brother lives in LaCrosse so I go there as much as possible.
I was just in the LaCrosse/Black River Falls area picking up a 1972 Demon this past weekend. I am glad I went then. Too bad I creamed
two deer with our 360 Mopar powered 1964 Ford F-100 on that trip. Good thing that truck is 4,00 lbs of american steel though, any newer vehicle would have been totaled and this truck hardly looks wrecked now...
This is the truck after I spent about an hour massaging it back to its correct location with a 2.5 ft. crowbar in a Wal-Mart parking lot where I stopped to replace the shattered headlight. The deer pushed the front grill back about 9 inches. I was very surprised it came back as good as it did. I was a bit worried when the hood latch wouldn't work, however a little
persuation and it functions like new. I hit him nice and sqaure and I was traveling around 60 MPH though I was able to brake some before impact. It was only about 40 minutes into the trip, I knew it was going to be a long night.
The radiator support was pushed back into the power steering pump. I am sure this is kept it from colapsing a bit more. It twisted the rediator pretty bady and amazingly it still doesn't leak. It did blow the hose clamp loose, but once tightend up again no more leak...
This mess was from the second deer which was on Wisconsin highay 21 around it was now around 3:00 am Sunday. By the time I noticed what was in the road it was too late to react (towing a trailer). It was hit by a guy just ahead of me, however when I drove over it I heard every bone break, it was nasty. The truck is only about 4 inches off the ground and rocked hard (as did the trailer) when I squished it. I stopped to check the truck again and was surprised to see the oil pan and radiator were still intact, again! There was a nasty mess all over the underside of the truck and on the side and underside of the trailer! For the next 30 minutes the truck smelled like Burger King as the venison cooked off the engine parts and exhaust.