Not happy with Just Suspension


California Dart

Dont List Websites Here
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Oceanside, California
I have a long fuse but it's like pulling teeth to get these people to refund my money. I paid to have some bars shipped back to them and 3 months later with several emails and calls I'm still wainting for my refund.
Join the club...I've had my own issues with Just (keep you in) Suspension.
Good luck!
Just curious, but why didn't you guys buy the stuff from PST? They're a Vendor here and probably would have given you the same -- or better -- deal as Just Suspension ... but without all the hassle.
Another example of poor customer service.

Theres a few threads currently floating around with this kind of theme... customer service seems to be becoming a big issue with some of these companies.. thats a shame
this makes me sad they are not that far from me maybe an hour or so and my 1st dealings were great but that was 5 years ago and didnt have to deal too much with cs
I had good dealings with them 5 years ago, but didn't have to return anything, either.

Have you tried calling and just going up the management chain?