Not Mine MT 76 d100

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North eastern Montana is nowhere but that is middle of nowhere Montana. I live in Montana and that would be a two day trip for me to pick that truck up! Looks like a great truck for $500.
that is a good deal. wierd though that it has an LA....all the pre 68 V8 trucks ive ever seen have the poly.
There was another 67 318 LA on here but in a B body. Just the A body didn't get the 318 until 68 the B, C, and trucks got it in 67.
Hey 66Durgederp, I'll loan you my duramax, and buy fuel if you go get that truck for me! Just kidding, but the thought of getting this tomorrow did cross my mind until I thought of my wife killing me came into the vision. It's not the distance, it's the 2 boats and 1 car I need to sell first!
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