OA Welding??



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
North Carolina
hey guys i just got an oxy acetylene/mapp gas torch kit (one of the small ones from ace hardware) anyway it cam with both welding and brazing rods only problem is that they were not separated. so im wondering how i tell the two apart? i want to try my hand at OA welding because this is what i got. so anyway any help is appreciated as always.

if its just one of the small kits (same size as camping propane cylinders) its likely you won't get anthing thicker then sheet metal hot enough to steel weld, although it would work wonderful for brazing. The two rods can be distinguished by the usually green coating on the brazing rods the steel welding rods should be copper in color
brazing rods will have a coating on them like arc welding rods... I have always seen a white coating on them. If in doubt... a magnet will not stick to your brazing rods because they are brass.
cool thanks for the info ill check it out when i get home in a couple of days.

66ply i was told by a friend that it works great for body welding and that what im planning on doing. ill let you know how it goes when i get the chance to try t out, which wont be for at least a week or two.